i'm Home!!
it's been 10 days. and i'm enjoying every single moment here.
of course. a lot more to come.
especially meeting with friends and reunion/gathering.
i do feel like a few days to come are kinda short and filled.
heading towards the end of 2009 and everything seems to be happening
at this short period of time and i wanna grab all these and those beautiful moments!
i'll be going to KL on 31st December 2009 and be back here on 5th January 2010.
see the gap there? 2009 and 2010? hahaha.
friends --- even if you're not here in kelantan. i'll go and get you there in KL! haha
and the food!! haha. heaven heaven!
weddings!! --- ramai betul kwn2 nk kawin. biase la tue. dh masuk era perkahwinan.
and don't forget to say, Alhamdulillah for all these. Alhamdulillah... =)
these are just random updates of what i've been going through for these past 10 days.
hoping for more happiness and a lot more special moments!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Crabbing ke Clubbing?
haha. ade ke patut nk pegi Clubbing. xbaik tau. mesti lah pegi crabbing.
crabbing ni ialah menangkap ketam. saye pn baru tahu istilah nie
sejak datang ke Adelaide nih. hehehehe.
kat sini aktiviti crabbing ni hanya boleh dilakukan pada bulan2 yg ade hujung
'____ber' sahaja. bermula september, oktober, november dan disember.
mcm tu yer tuan2 dan puan2.
crabbing ni ialah menangkap ketam. saye pn baru tahu istilah nie
sejak datang ke Adelaide nih. hehehehe.
kat sini aktiviti crabbing ni hanya boleh dilakukan pada bulan2 yg ade hujung
'____ber' sahaja. bermula september, oktober, november dan disember.
mcm tu yer tuan2 dan puan2.
disebabkan ade tetamu dari Malaysia yg dtg bercuti di Adelaide,
iaitu childhood fren ummu, kami bawak la kak erin pegi crabbing.
kesian kak erin kesejukan. sbb nya dari pkul 9.30 smpai la pkul 1.30 pagi
kami berada di salah satu jeti di Henley Beach. huhu. sejuk gile!
tapi xpe, keletihan dan kesejukan berbaloi apabila seekor demi seekor
ketam kami dapat. mula2 tu x kena sgt.
mungkin umpan yg kami guna x menyerlah sgt.
tp rase nye besar gedabak dah kepala ikan kami wat umpan tu. huhu
Anyway, yg hujung2 tu siap double ketam lagi. skali angkat ade 2 ekor! hoho.
ade la sikit hasil yg kami dapat dgn menjadi nelayan ketam pada waktu malam.
okies. layan gambar yer. credits to kak erin punye camera.
(dia keje ngn Canon, dapat canon eos 40D free2 jer guna. best wooo!)
iaitu childhood fren ummu, kami bawak la kak erin pegi crabbing.
kesian kak erin kesejukan. sbb nya dari pkul 9.30 smpai la pkul 1.30 pagi
kami berada di salah satu jeti di Henley Beach. huhu. sejuk gile!
tapi xpe, keletihan dan kesejukan berbaloi apabila seekor demi seekor
ketam kami dapat. mula2 tu x kena sgt.
mungkin umpan yg kami guna x menyerlah sgt.
tp rase nye besar gedabak dah kepala ikan kami wat umpan tu. huhu
Anyway, yg hujung2 tu siap double ketam lagi. skali angkat ade 2 ekor! hoho.
ade la sikit hasil yg kami dapat dgn menjadi nelayan ketam pada waktu malam.
okies. layan gambar yer. credits to kak erin punye camera.
(dia keje ngn Canon, dapat canon eos 40D free2 jer guna. best wooo!)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
i should have said
i should have said something lately or write something to this blog.
why? because it seems like i don't really have anything to do so far while waiting for the day to balik kampung. and the internet is now back to fast speed! yeehaa! i love that!
and there are a few interesting stories that i would really love to share out here.
so, here it goes. now i really am.
but but but. i think i always have a problem telling you guys some sort of stories that don't come out with some pictures to show. lalalala. i'm not so good in words. so, to make you people notice or getting addressed with my stories, that is why i always put up some pictures. haha. what am i talking here. but REALLY...i'm not a good writer. neither a good story teller. especially in writing! that is why i prefer more meeting, hanging out with friends when it comes to socializing, sharing some good old or new stories, experiences.
so, the point is, i'll get back to here later, with the stories i have right now, PLUS with some good pictures! da da da dum dum da da da da~~~
can't wait to get back home! 7 more days!
why? because it seems like i don't really have anything to do so far while waiting for the day to balik kampung. and the internet is now back to fast speed! yeehaa! i love that!
and there are a few interesting stories that i would really love to share out here.
so, here it goes. now i really am.
but but but. i think i always have a problem telling you guys some sort of stories that don't come out with some pictures to show. lalalala. i'm not so good in words. so, to make you people notice or getting addressed with my stories, that is why i always put up some pictures. haha. what am i talking here. but REALLY...i'm not a good writer. neither a good story teller. especially in writing! that is why i prefer more meeting, hanging out with friends when it comes to socializing, sharing some good old or new stories, experiences.
so, the point is, i'll get back to here later, with the stories i have right now, PLUS with some good pictures! da da da dum dum da da da da~~~
can't wait to get back home! 7 more days!
Sunday, December 06, 2009
ting tong. is anybody there?
Ting tong. is anybody there?
so, internet masih lambat-lambat kura-kura siput-siput nih. lusa kot baru laju.
hari tue dah cuba nk update something kt blog ni. tapi x keluar2 page utk create new post.
then i gave up on it.
tapi hari ni, it seems to be working fine. good!
tapi, sebenarnya xde ape2 nak tulis. wakaka. saje, ckup syarat nak update.
oh yer. ade 13 hari lagi nak balik Malaysia..weeeewwiiittt...x sbr nye!
sape2 yg nk jumpa saye di Malaysia nnti, bleh la book awal2 yer. al maklum la, busy
mengalahkan mak Datin. hahahaha. tipu giler. xde la. i will be always happy to meet you guys.
especially geng2 lame. skolah rendah - ila, aida, nanee, aida madiha, akma, anis syahirah, sarah, ecah, marinah, pijie bob, syukrie, matming tanjung, mat joe, ketek, iba andre2. and so many many more!
smip - aaaa..ramai telajok xsoh oyak lah. bibi, elly, aya (nk tuntut corelle kakak dio pesey etep tuh), wani, mek syu, wahida, mimi, asiah (bkpo la mung balik lmbt siah weiii), syamim (kato janji nk g hayaki tuh, capik belanjo) and bbaaannnyoookk lagi.
nak jumpa ina juge! i hope it won't be just at the airport this time around. hehe
and weddings!! ramai gk kawan satu batch yg nk kawin. and our seniors jugak. so, looking forward to seeing you guys, kaklynn, jasmin, paim and yg lain2 pon bleh tumpang umh saye utk pegi kenduri kawin kak nikshah+fiancee and syah+rahimah yer. tmbah2 umah syah, dekat giler kot ngn umh saye. beresss...roger2 yerr..
so, internet masih lambat-lambat kura-kura siput-siput nih. lusa kot baru laju.
hari tue dah cuba nk update something kt blog ni. tapi x keluar2 page utk create new post.
then i gave up on it.
tapi hari ni, it seems to be working fine. good!
tapi, sebenarnya xde ape2 nak tulis. wakaka. saje, ckup syarat nak update.
oh yer. ade 13 hari lagi nak balik Malaysia..weeeewwiiittt...x sbr nye!
sape2 yg nk jumpa saye di Malaysia nnti, bleh la book awal2 yer. al maklum la, busy
mengalahkan mak Datin. hahahaha. tipu giler. xde la. i will be always happy to meet you guys.
especially geng2 lame. skolah rendah - ila, aida, nanee, aida madiha, akma, anis syahirah, sarah, ecah, marinah, pijie bob, syukrie, matming tanjung, mat joe, ketek, iba andre2. and so many many more!
smip - aaaa..ramai telajok xsoh oyak lah. bibi, elly, aya (nk tuntut corelle kakak dio pesey etep tuh), wani, mek syu, wahida, mimi, asiah (bkpo la mung balik lmbt siah weiii), syamim (kato janji nk g hayaki tuh, capik belanjo) and bbaaannnyoookk lagi.
nak jumpa ina juge! i hope it won't be just at the airport this time around. hehe
and weddings!! ramai gk kawan satu batch yg nk kawin. and our seniors jugak. so, looking forward to seeing you guys, kaklynn, jasmin, paim and yg lain2 pon bleh tumpang umh saye utk pegi kenduri kawin kak nikshah+fiancee and syah+rahimah yer. tmbah2 umah syah, dekat giler kot ngn umh saye. beresss...roger2 yerr..
okay. sudah sudah membebel! mari makan! menambahkan berat badan! muahahaha..
Ma Abah

Sunday, November 29, 2009
updates - raya haji and graduated!
so, yesterday was raya haji here. even though also heard that some states are celebrating raya haji today. which was kinda weird. i thought all people staying in the same country would celebrate raya on the same day. well, raya is raya and just raya. mane2 hari pon xkesah. janji x buat raye sendiri sudah...=p
this is my first time celebrating raya haji here. and i admit that everything is different. compared to kampung. my kampung. back in my hometown, kota bharu. nothing compares to that. nothing.oh well, do you expect all residents here, where i'm currently staying now, would be gathered and find a cow to be slaughtered? haha. of course not! i do not! hehe.
but..but..there's a but here. hehe. mesti lah pegi semayang raye. of course. we've got here if i'm not mistaken, 3 mosque(s). and s0metimes the raya prayer's time for each mosque is different to one another. Khalil Mosque start smyg pkul 8.30. Wandana Mosque kol 7.30 lagi dh start.yer la. kan subuh pkul 4.15am..hehehe..hey people, we're heading towards summer!
jadi, pegi smyg raye haji je la kt masjid. and then guess what we did next? shopping kat arndale!! hahaha..ade la shopping something....syyhh...
pastu pegi open house umh kak nadia and kak alin. complete! called it a-day!
so, raya here, NO Lembu(s), NO edar-edar daging, NO makan-daging-bakar-fresh-cicah-with-sos-yang-dibuat-sendiri-campur-campur-aje, NO bau-busuk-perut-lembu, NO main-main-with-kepala-lembu, NO daging-goreng-fresh-yg-ma-buat, NO playing with and baby-sitting my monsters and blossoms, NO gossips with my sis, fatien and gossips with my cousins, Kuchik and C-pah, and NO NO NO. hehe. i guess atmosphere is different. but i'm glad that i've made it!! survived!
but this one had really made my day!Alhamdulilah..i have COMPLETED my degree, BACHELOR of BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE (Immunology and Physiology)!! the result came out yesteday, Alhamdulillah. semua nya lepas. syukur syukur syukur! akhirnya saye ade ijazah!! after 3 years of this great battle. wakaka. koya battle la plop. soooo...What's Next??? || ^_^ ||
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Selamat Selamat Selamat
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!!
selamat sembelih lembu lah blako2..
ambo rayo Adelaide tahun nie. xdop can la nok tgk oghe semelih lembu.
ni first time beraye Haji di perantauan. ngeh3. sepanjang dok oversea 3 tahun nie.
baru 1 kali raye aidilfitri kt sini, and 1 kali raye haji ni la. yg selebih nye msti lah sanggup meredah lautan benua terbang ke kampung halaman utk beraye di samping keluarga. muahaha.
raye thn ni? xde perasaan sgt. sbb. feel xsame dgn rayo di kampung penambe.
so, biaso2 jah.
baju rayo pom xdop. xingat nk bwk hari tue. wakakahh...nasib je la kan..
pakai aje mane2 baju yg ade tu. bkn nye org notice pon. hihi
dah called umah tadi. gegey gegok bunyi. biase laahh. dah kmpul ramai2.
esok call lagi. hehe. no problem. nasib baik ade skype punye credit.
aduhai..internet umh ni cpt betul abis quota. hoiii org sebelahhhhhhh!!! dah la suke bising party2 gedegung gedeganggg, internet kitorng pon nk curik ker...mmg betul2 kena buat passport..eh..password laa..tp xreti...sbr ajo lah..
okay okay..nak cite ape lg yer? ohh..skrg dok tgh buat novel marathon la spjg cuti ni. xde benda lain. ahaha. abis novel2 lama pon aku bace jgk.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!!
selamat sembelih lembu lah blako2..
ambo rayo Adelaide tahun nie. xdop can la nok tgk oghe semelih lembu.
ni first time beraye Haji di perantauan. ngeh3. sepanjang dok oversea 3 tahun nie.
baru 1 kali raye aidilfitri kt sini, and 1 kali raye haji ni la. yg selebih nye msti lah sanggup meredah lautan benua terbang ke kampung halaman utk beraye di samping keluarga. muahaha.
raye thn ni? xde perasaan sgt. sbb. feel xsame dgn rayo di kampung penambe.
so, biaso2 jah.
baju rayo pom xdop. xingat nk bwk hari tue. wakakahh...nasib je la kan..
pakai aje mane2 baju yg ade tu. bkn nye org notice pon. hihi
dah called umah tadi. gegey gegok bunyi. biase laahh. dah kmpul ramai2.
esok call lagi. hehe. no problem. nasib baik ade skype punye credit.
aduhai..internet umh ni cpt betul abis quota. hoiii org sebelahhhhhhh!!! dah la suke bising party2 gedegung gedeganggg, internet kitorng pon nk curik ker...mmg betul2 kena buat passport..eh..password laa..tp xreti...sbr ajo lah..
okay okay..nak cite ape lg yer? ohh..skrg dok tgh buat novel marathon la spjg cuti ni. xde benda lain. ahaha. abis novel2 lama pon aku bace jgk.
eh eh. itu sahaja lah cerita. kan panjang telebih sudeh...hehe..
Selamat Hari Raye lah skali lg yer utk semua2...
smoga dpt mnghayati erti pengorbanan sbenar dlm hidup kite nie. and yg penting, utk mendapat keredhaan Allah. insyaAllah.
p/s: "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice...."(thanks for these memories dear)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
missing them
oh my monsters(nephews) and blossoms(nieces).
mak ude is missing you guys so much right here!
just now, i had quite a long conversation through video call with my monsters and blossoms.
the ones that are at home in penambe now. zaki, wafi, lutfi, alya, asna, ahnaf, aniq and not forgotten, the littlest, Muaz.
Lutfi: mak ude! mak ude! cepat lah balik!
Mak Ude: mak ude xleh balik lg laaa lutfi..
Aniq: alaaa.... mak ude! balik lah esok!
Mak Ude: kenape nk suruh mak ude balik cepat ni?
Asna: nak makan cupcakes! mak ude cpt lah balik!
Lutfi: Mak ude, can you give me the recipe?
Mak Ude: heh? recipe gapo plop? cupcakes?
Lutfi: Yes...mak ude bagi la recipe
Mak Ude: okay..113 grams butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 eggs, bla..blaa..blaa..
Lutfi: Mak ude..susah la..mak ude masuk kan dalam newspaper esok la!
Asna: haa...betul tuh. yg mcm mak ude masuk mase yg ckp Selamat Hari Raya tue...(diorng maksudkan salam perantauan)
Mak Ude: hoiiiiiiii budak2 nieee!! hahahahahaha..(gelak golek2)
hamboiii2 budak2 ni..siap suruh aku masukkan resepi dalam paper la plak! tunggu jer lah mak ude balik nnti yer..hehe
mak ude is missing you guys so much right here!
just now, i had quite a long conversation through video call with my monsters and blossoms.
the ones that are at home in penambe now. zaki, wafi, lutfi, alya, asna, ahnaf, aniq and not forgotten, the littlest, Muaz.
Lutfi: mak ude! mak ude! cepat lah balik!
Mak Ude: mak ude xleh balik lg laaa lutfi..
Aniq: alaaa.... mak ude! balik lah esok!
Mak Ude: kenape nk suruh mak ude balik cepat ni?
Asna: nak makan cupcakes! mak ude cpt lah balik!
Lutfi: Mak ude, can you give me the recipe?
Mak Ude: heh? recipe gapo plop? cupcakes?
Lutfi: Yes...mak ude bagi la recipe
Mak Ude: okay..113 grams butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 eggs, bla..blaa..blaa..
Lutfi: Mak ude..susah la..mak ude masuk kan dalam newspaper esok la!
Asna: haa...betul tuh. yg mcm mak ude masuk mase yg ckp Selamat Hari Raya tue...(diorng maksudkan salam perantauan)
Mak Ude: hoiiiiiiii budak2 nieee!! hahahahahaha..(gelak golek2)
hamboiii2 budak2 ni..siap suruh aku masukkan resepi dalam paper la plak! tunggu jer lah mak ude balik nnti yer..hehe
Sunday, November 22, 2009
banjir lagi?
tadi called ma abah kat umh.
banjir lagi. ma oyak, tikah 2 minggu jah nga banjir baru2 nie.
means, last 2 week dah banjir, and ni banjir plak. huhu.
memang banjir ni ikut gelombang. gelombang pertama, kedua or mungkin jgk ketiga.
tapi biase nya 2 kali la banjir.
ma oyak, harap2 banjir sekejap jah la. xlame. nanti susah plak nk beraye haji.
okay, sekarang sape ade kt umh? kaktie and hubby, abe ise dah smpai.
and soon kaknoor and family, kakja and family and later kakak in singapore with family altogether will be meeting each other. aaaaa...best nyer. i wish i could go back earlier.
tapi, harus bersyukur jgk. ade lg ramai kwn2 saye kt sini yang xbalik langsung.
sob3. sabar jer la eh..ngeh3.
saye insyaAllah balik december nnti.
xsabar nk jmpa semua org. the one and only bestmate.
bestfriends, kawan-sampai-mati!
hadui..kalu pikir pasal nak balik. semua nya best.

tadi msg kakngoh yg skrg berada kat mekah. she said everything is fine.
dan dia pon sihat tubuh badan. alhamdulillah. doakan yg baik2 aje.
hari tu pegi kutip2 kad kahwin. aiseh..ramai sunggoh org nk kawin dec and january nnti.
baru terase kedewasaan diri sndiri. take note yer smua..i'm turning 23 next year..ouch..

tadi called ma abah kat umh.
banjir lagi. ma oyak, tikah 2 minggu jah nga banjir baru2 nie.
means, last 2 week dah banjir, and ni banjir plak. huhu.
memang banjir ni ikut gelombang. gelombang pertama, kedua or mungkin jgk ketiga.
tapi biase nya 2 kali la banjir.
ma oyak, harap2 banjir sekejap jah la. xlame. nanti susah plak nk beraye haji.
okay, sekarang sape ade kt umh? kaktie and hubby, abe ise dah smpai.
and soon kaknoor and family, kakja and family and later kakak in singapore with family altogether will be meeting each other. aaaaa...best nyer. i wish i could go back earlier.
tapi, harus bersyukur jgk. ade lg ramai kwn2 saye kt sini yang xbalik langsung.
sob3. sabar jer la eh..ngeh3.
saye insyaAllah balik december nnti.
xsabar nk jmpa semua org. the one and only bestmate.
bestfriends, kawan-sampai-mati!
hadui..kalu pikir pasal nak balik. semua nya best.
pikir pasal honours life, maybe jadi mcm nie....
tadi msg kakngoh yg skrg berada kat mekah. she said everything is fine.
dan dia pon sihat tubuh badan. alhamdulillah. doakan yg baik2 aje.
hari tu pegi kutip2 kad kahwin. aiseh..ramai sunggoh org nk kawin dec and january nnti.
baru terase kedewasaan diri sndiri. take note yer smua..i'm turning 23 next year..ouch..
ni baby husnun nasihah. anak kakchetie and hubby. name, husnun nasihah.
5 months and weighs 8kg! aaaa...boleh challenge muaz nih...
5 months and weighs 8kg! aaaa...boleh challenge muaz nih...
Friday, November 20, 2009
nak buat ape yer?
sudah hampir sminggu exam berlalu. berdebar-debar jugak tunggu result exam nih.
mungkin akan keluar hujung november atau awal disember. lambat lagi nak balik malaysia.
19 disember ni kot. insyaAllah.
sementara tunggu nak balik ni, dok umah aje keje. xbuat ape2 sgt pon. huhu. tidur, main internet, download movie, tgk movie, masak, baking, keluar sekejap2. boosan jugak.nak g jalan2, nanti rase mcm tinggal sikit ade savings nanti. yer la sgt savings. huhu...nak keje, xtahu nak keje ape dan malas. wakaka..malas lg byk sbnrnye.
sooooo...nak buat ape yer..
27nov ni insyaAllah raye haji. xpenah lg experience raye haji kt sini. mungkin x rase raye sgt kot. even kat KL or kt mane2 negeri lain pon xrase sgt kot raye haji. saye rase, and even org pon cakap, paling meriah raye haji is kat kelantan. saye memang akui nya! tambah2 kt area kampung saye. kt umh saye saje, msti akan ade la sembelih lembu. at least seekor. kalu 2 ekor tu biase la.
hmmm...raye haji kt adelaide ni cmne agk nyer..mase 1st and 2nd year, xraye haji kt adelaide sbb time tuh raye bulan 12, dh blk malaysia. now, it would be in november. so no choice, i have to experience jgk raye haji kt sini.
hmmm...raye haji kt adelaide ni cmne agk nyer..mase 1st and 2nd year, xraye haji kt adelaide sbb time tuh raye bulan 12, dh blk malaysia. now, it would be in november. so no choice, i have to experience jgk raye haji kt sini.
tadi pegi tgk movie 2012. storyline bagus. ending xboleh diterima. after all, it's not the end of the world lah sbb manusia masih hidup. biase la, begitu cetek pemikiran omputeh nih..
movie-date saye sape lagi kalau bukan jasmine. thank you jasmine for always being the best movie partner! and of course sometimes we laughed when nobody did. they seemed so serious. and of course being in cinema here is a way too different compared in KL.
cinema kat sini xramai sgt manusia. and most of them are pakcik2 and makcik2 tua yg jalan lambat2 tuh..hehe.
and tomorrow, my sister, kakngoh will be flying off to Mecca, to perform her haji/hajjah insyaAllah..ami doakan moga kakngoh slamat pegi and balik ke malaysia balik..
smoga mendapat haji yg mabrur dan insyaAllah, doakan kami di sini juga..
we love you sooo much kakngoh! please don't break into tears too much, okies sis? hehe
aaaa...my bff, aida dah balik malaysia dah! bestt nyer. xpe la, it's her turn plak. at least i just went back to malaysia last raya. hehe. aida, enjoy yourself eh. i know aida xsabar tunggu ami kelik tuhh..hahaha..
okies..post-exam mood. masih ade perasaan bimbang memikirkan result exam.
jadi kalu nak bersuka ria pon xde la over-excited and lebih2. berkadar2 aje. ma oyak, xleh nok galok sgt.
- Life is always hard, For the Belle of the Boulevard -
p/s: skrg jadi corelle dealer...=)
tadi pegi tgk movie 2012. storyline bagus. ending xboleh diterima. after all, it's not the end of the world lah sbb manusia masih hidup. biase la, begitu cetek pemikiran omputeh nih..
movie-date saye sape lagi kalau bukan jasmine. thank you jasmine for always being the best movie partner! and of course sometimes we laughed when nobody did. they seemed so serious. and of course being in cinema here is a way too different compared in KL.
cinema kat sini xramai sgt manusia. and most of them are pakcik2 and makcik2 tua yg jalan lambat2 tuh..hehe.
and tomorrow, my sister, kakngoh will be flying off to Mecca, to perform her haji/hajjah insyaAllah..ami doakan moga kakngoh slamat pegi and balik ke malaysia balik..
smoga mendapat haji yg mabrur dan insyaAllah, doakan kami di sini juga..
we love you sooo much kakngoh! please don't break into tears too much, okies sis? hehe
aaaa...my bff, aida dah balik malaysia dah! bestt nyer. xpe la, it's her turn plak. at least i just went back to malaysia last raya. hehe. aida, enjoy yourself eh. i know aida xsabar tunggu ami kelik tuhh..hahaha..
okies..post-exam mood. masih ade perasaan bimbang memikirkan result exam.
jadi kalu nak bersuka ria pon xde la over-excited and lebih2. berkadar2 aje. ma oyak, xleh nok galok sgt.
- Life is always hard, For the Belle of the Boulevard -
p/s: skrg jadi corelle dealer...=)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
say Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.
heee..Alhamdulillah. dah abis Final exam untuk final semester utk final year.
or untuk smua Final-final lah. harap2 result yg dapat adalah terbaik utk diri sndiri.
yang penting ape yg Allah berikan tu adalah terbaik dan setimpal dgn usaha kita.
ahemm...jadi dengan ini, mari lah kite same2 merenung sejenak..dan berfikir..
apekah yg saya sedang bercakap ni. apekah motif nye. apekah? apekah? apekah......hahaha
heee..xde ape2..nk cte pasal ape yer. oh pasal exam.
exam physio was quite a killer paper for me. it's harder than last semester
exam Immuno was so-so i should say. there were 3 or 4 predicted questions did come out!
and i was like giving myself in so excitedly answering those questions.
tgh2 dok jawab tue...tetiba tgn cramp weh..rase mcm xde darah jalan kt my left hand nie. oh btw, i'm a lefty. tulis tgn kiri. pastu...cuba la nk tulis tgn kanan. burukkkk gillerrrr tulisaannn xdeerrr ruper...aaaaa! gelabah jugakkk! last2 raised my hand up and asked for toilet permission. and went to toilet. pegi siram ngn air my left hand tue. cepat2 masuk balik hall and jwb the LAST QUESTION left. nasib baik ade satu lg soalan. Alhamdulillah. everything went smooth and easy. aduhaiii..
erm..tue je kot nk citer dlu utk skrg. lame x berblogging. ni baru panah enjin nihh..
moral of the story = sila belajar menulis utk kedua-dua tgn. kalu yg tulis tgn kanan. biase2 kanlah juge utk guna tgn kiri. apa salah nye kan. hik3..saye pn nk praktis tulis tgn kanan jgk nie. wakaka
heee..Alhamdulillah. dah abis Final exam untuk final semester utk final year.
or untuk smua Final-final lah. harap2 result yg dapat adalah terbaik utk diri sndiri.
yang penting ape yg Allah berikan tu adalah terbaik dan setimpal dgn usaha kita.
ahemm...jadi dengan ini, mari lah kite same2 merenung sejenak..dan berfikir..
apekah yg saya sedang bercakap ni. apekah motif nye. apekah? apekah? apekah......hahaha
heee..xde ape2..nk cte pasal ape yer. oh pasal exam.
exam physio was quite a killer paper for me. it's harder than last semester
exam Immuno was so-so i should say. there were 3 or 4 predicted questions did come out!
and i was like giving myself in so excitedly answering those questions.
tgh2 dok jawab tue...tetiba tgn cramp weh..rase mcm xde darah jalan kt my left hand nie. oh btw, i'm a lefty. tulis tgn kiri. pastu...cuba la nk tulis tgn kanan. burukkkk gillerrrr tulisaannn xdeerrr ruper...aaaaa! gelabah jugakkk! last2 raised my hand up and asked for toilet permission. and went to toilet. pegi siram ngn air my left hand tue. cepat2 masuk balik hall and jwb the LAST QUESTION left. nasib baik ade satu lg soalan. Alhamdulillah. everything went smooth and easy. aduhaiii..
erm..tue je kot nk citer dlu utk skrg. lame x berblogging. ni baru panah enjin nihh..
moral of the story = sila belajar menulis utk kedua-dua tgn. kalu yg tulis tgn kanan. biase2 kanlah juge utk guna tgn kiri. apa salah nye kan. hik3..saye pn nk praktis tulis tgn kanan jgk nie. wakaka
Saturday, October 31, 2009
of nasi kerabu
so, yesterday was the last day of this semester.
insyaAllah the last day throughout this 3-years-course.
semoga Allah permudahkan segala-gala Nya. yang penting. doa + tawakkal jgn putus.
hari khamis baru2 nie. saye buat nasi kerabu (lagi). hehe.
tapi stil xleh challenge nasi krabu my ma buat...
ho las...ikan pon, 'fresh' from the tin tu gak ;p
ni dia nasi krabu nye,

kalau kawan2 saye yg bukan org kelantan, selalu ckp nasi kerabu tu kaler biru aje.
tapi, kalau kat umh, ma saye slalu buat nasi kerabu kuning.
or kalu malas or nk simple, nasi putih pon jadik! yg pnting sambal nyor tu sdp!
and wajib ado keropok! ayam bakar atau ikan goreng celup tepung tu optional.
hurm...exam start 12nov ni. ade lagi brape hari eh?
sbb nye, tadi, xreti nk kira. xingat oktober ade 30 ke 31 hari yer? blank! T_T
p/s: nasi kerabu dah...nasi dagang bilo plop...huhu
insyaAllah the last day throughout this 3-years-course.
semoga Allah permudahkan segala-gala Nya. yang penting. doa + tawakkal jgn putus.
hari khamis baru2 nie. saye buat nasi kerabu (lagi). hehe.
tapi stil xleh challenge nasi krabu my ma buat...
ho las...ikan pon, 'fresh' from the tin tu gak ;p
ni dia nasi krabu nye,
kalau kawan2 saye yg bukan org kelantan, selalu ckp nasi kerabu tu kaler biru aje.
tapi, kalau kat umh, ma saye slalu buat nasi kerabu kuning.
or kalu malas or nk simple, nasi putih pon jadik! yg pnting sambal nyor tu sdp!
and wajib ado keropok! ayam bakar atau ikan goreng celup tepung tu optional.
hurm...exam start 12nov ni. ade lagi brape hari eh?
sbb nye, tadi, xreti nk kira. xingat oktober ade 30 ke 31 hari yer? blank! T_T
p/s: nasi kerabu dah...nasi dagang bilo plop...huhu
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
of Kain Sarung
kain sarung.
ape itu kain sarung? atau kain batik? atau kain batik sarung?
saye pon tidak pasti apakah maksud skema nya. mungkin kena bukak kamus dewan.
tapi, adakah anda memakai kain ini di rumah?
especially yang muda-muda remaja macam ahem..saye nih...0.O
untuk pengetahuan anda semua. ma (panggilan kepada mak saye) saye, sentiasa akan
membekalkan kain sarung ini kepada anak-anak perempuan nya yang ingin belajar ke
mana- mana sahaja. tidak kira lah, di Matrik Pahang, di Sunway College mahupon di
University of Adelaide. tetapi, anak dia yang no.9 nie, sepanjang berada di Matrik Pahang
(sebulan lebih), di Sunway (setahun stgh) dan sekarang di Adelaide, tidak pernah pon
memakai kain-kain tersebut. kenapakah begitu skali?
yer....tepat skali tekaan anda. kerana anak dia yg no.9 ini tidak mengetahui
cara-cara sebenar memakai kain tersebut!
jika berada di kampung sekali pon, tidak tergerak pon hati ingin memakai kain sarung.
seluar track tetap menjadi pilihan.
mungkin juga kerana anak dia no.9 ini sgt buas dan ganas gaya tidur nya. ooppsss..
namun, pada 2,3 hari lepas. telah tercipta sejarah di mana di bumi Adelaide ini, saya
telah berjaya memakai kain sarung dgn jaya nya. selama 2 malam berturut2!
clap3x!!! practice makes perfect! senang nak praktis pakai kain sarung bile dalam
pantang lepas beranak nanti...hahaha...opppss lagi!
okeh.saye akhiri entri khas ini dgn meletak gmba saye....opppss... eh. mane boleh..
gamba kain sarung lah kan...hahaha
ape itu kain sarung? atau kain batik? atau kain batik sarung?
saye pon tidak pasti apakah maksud skema nya. mungkin kena bukak kamus dewan.
tapi, adakah anda memakai kain ini di rumah?
especially yang muda-muda remaja macam ahem..saye nih...0.O
untuk pengetahuan anda semua. ma (panggilan kepada mak saye) saye, sentiasa akan
membekalkan kain sarung ini kepada anak-anak perempuan nya yang ingin belajar ke
mana- mana sahaja. tidak kira lah, di Matrik Pahang, di Sunway College mahupon di
University of Adelaide. tetapi, anak dia yang no.9 nie, sepanjang berada di Matrik Pahang
(sebulan lebih), di Sunway (setahun stgh) dan sekarang di Adelaide, tidak pernah pon
memakai kain-kain tersebut. kenapakah begitu skali?
yer....tepat skali tekaan anda. kerana anak dia yg no.9 ini tidak mengetahui
cara-cara sebenar memakai kain tersebut!
jika berada di kampung sekali pon, tidak tergerak pon hati ingin memakai kain sarung.
seluar track tetap menjadi pilihan.
mungkin juga kerana anak dia no.9 ini sgt buas dan ganas gaya tidur nya. ooppsss..
namun, pada 2,3 hari lepas. telah tercipta sejarah di mana di bumi Adelaide ini, saya
telah berjaya memakai kain sarung dgn jaya nya. selama 2 malam berturut2!
clap3x!!! practice makes perfect! senang nak praktis pakai kain sarung bile dalam
pantang lepas beranak nanti...hahaha...opppss lagi!
okeh.saye akhiri entri khas ini dgn meletak gmba saye....opppss... eh. mane boleh..
gamba kain sarung lah kan...hahaha
Online Contest ~ Senyuman Ceria Si Comel

ini first time saye masuk online contest nie.
masuk pulak on behalf my sister, Wan Azizon Wan Muhammad.
since she doesn't have any blog, so, saje2 la nih. utk suke2.
contest ni dianjurkan oleh Smileykidz Photography. first time masuk blog ni memang menarik! =).
ape yg menarik ngn contest ni ialah the prizes! hehe.
okies, pihak penganjur, ini saye upload gmbar anak sedare saye,
masuk pulak on behalf my sister, Wan Azizon Wan Muhammad.
since she doesn't have any blog, so, saje2 la nih. utk suke2.
contest ni dianjurkan oleh Smileykidz Photography. first time masuk blog ni memang menarik! =).
ape yg menarik ngn contest ni ialah the prizes! hehe.
okies, pihak penganjur, ini saye upload gmbar anak sedare saye,


p/s: aku rase mcm mak2 aje masuk contest cm gini..hihi. xpe2..bagi pihak my sis..bagi pihak..
Monday, October 26, 2009
i can take wrong turn, you're right behind me
crash and burn, i know you'll find me
as long as you're here, I'm invincible
i can call your name, and you'll come running
it's pouring rain, you'll make it sunny
as long as you're here, I'm invincible
'Invincible' - incapable of being defeated or overcome or subdued.
heee...told ya!
it's a song actually (again!).
yeah, i know i don't have any talent writing beautiful wonderful lyrics.
but, i reckon i love to interpret and translate the lyrics, and relate back to life.
see the meaning between the lines. daa daa daa! i said i love to. just love.
'Invincible' is a new single from Chantal Kreviazuk who has successfully composed songs for Kelly Clarkson, Avril Lavigne, The Veronicas, Marion Raven and even David Cook.
fell in love with her, the first time heard her singing 'Leaving on a jet plane'.
ever since then, almost in love with all her songs. especially 'time', 'in this life', 'feels like home', 'ghosts of you', etc.
huh - what to do? kena la ckp psl music, sbb xde idea sgt...:p
kalau la interpret Results experiment ni senang mcm interpret lagu kan easy! easy!
final exam - 16 more days to go! =(
okeh, ni video lagu tadi,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sweet Silver Lining
but so many people are looking to me
to be strong and to fight,
but i'm just surviving
i may be weak, but i'm never defeated
and i'll keep believing
in clouds with that sweet silver lining
eh2...g menyanyi plak. nak update blog sbnr nyer. hihihi.
uni stuffs updates - oral presentation done, viva done, daybook done, the only thing left is
Physiology Final Report.
so, what am i gonna write then? give it to me bebeh. give it to me. lucky i should say because last semester i've done the introduction (Literature Review) plus methods part. same thing for abstract. things i have to write would be results, discussion and conclusion. and so far, 0% progression. muahaha. what to do. my mind, my business!
exam timetables are available now. so they give 12nov for physiology and 14nov for immunology. fair enough i should say, i always prefer physio to go first. but what it's interesting here is hey, it's only 1 day gap! hey hey hey chaiye o ney! (arshad, betul x sbut nie)
mari lihat hot stuffs!
Muaz the cutest

gotta keep myself together! harus mula menulis report!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Please Go Away
hey you,

can you please go away from me? Sakit la kena gigit banyak2.
tambah2 pegi gigit tempat yg same kwn dia dh gigit.
and you guys too,

can you please just go away?
go get a life. ape kes dok terbang2 buat bunyi bising bzzzzzz kt blik aku....
igt korang je eh bleh terbang. burung pon bleh terbang jgk tau. hik3
sekian sudah. thank you!
- these two creatures seem to be having fun when the weather is hot and sunny-
go get a life. ape kes dok terbang2 buat bunyi bising bzzzzzz kt blik aku....
igt korang je eh bleh terbang. burung pon bleh terbang jgk tau. hik3
sekian sudah. thank you!
- these two creatures seem to be having fun when the weather is hot and sunny-
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Colek Husna
saye suke makan colek buah.
colek buah jambu, buah nenas, buah jambu air, buah mangga.
ohh...sedap nyer.
tapi yang paling sedap ialah buah2 tersebut kite makan dgn colek Husna.
saye xtahu colek Husna ni femes ke x.
tapi, kat kampung saye, kg penambang, femes kot colek nih. hihi
satu family suke makan colek Husna nih.
colek Husna ni dah sampai ke Singapore juge sbb kakak saye yg sulong berada di sana.
di Sabah pon same. tapi di Australia? pernah ke? setakat ni xpernah try bawak lagi.
tapi xsure, time kakak saye no.4 dok kat Australia ni, dia penah bwk ke x colek Husna nie.
oh colek Husna, dtg lah dalam mmpi malam ini.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
America's Funniest Home Videos
Salam semua.
eh, tadi baru update. ni update blog lagi yer Ahlami? hihihi. al makum la,
tersangat buhsan nie. sakit belakang sakit tangan dok tilik2 graf kat daybook nih.
paham nye tak. tue yg bosan tuh. kih3.
anyway, bile saye buhsan membuat keje, saye akan search video2 yg lawak2 kat youtube.
hehe. standard la kan. i found bunch of videos actually, and just want to share one of those.
eh, tadi baru update. ni update blog lagi yer Ahlami? hihihi. al makum la,
tersangat buhsan nie. sakit belakang sakit tangan dok tilik2 graf kat daybook nih.
paham nye tak. tue yg bosan tuh. kih3.
anyway, bile saye buhsan membuat keje, saye akan search video2 yg lawak2 kat youtube.
hehe. standard la kan. i found bunch of videos actually, and just want to share one of those.
hahaha..scene last skali lawak. kih3!
new layout/template.
tetiba terase nak buat yang baru.
selepas setahun lebih x bertukar layout yg lame tue. okla kan. =)
after all, it is what i like that matters most.
in love with Adele - Chasing Pavements.
in 'love' with my daybook and the scary viva
in love with everything and everyone lah! =)
tetiba terase nak buat yang baru.
selepas setahun lebih x bertukar layout yg lame tue. okla kan. =)
after all, it is what i like that matters most.
in love with Adele - Chasing Pavements.
in 'love' with my daybook and the scary viva
in love with everything and everyone lah! =)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tudung Asna
time saat genting nk siapkan keje mcm ni la rase tgn gatal nk update something kat beloved blog nih. hehe. juruh sungguh nah Ahlami nih..
xde nak update ape sgt pon sbenarnya.
dalam proses melengkapkan daybook. sebagai persediaan untuk VIVA.
memang kosong taktau ape2 la Pakcik Chris akan tanya aku nanti.xboleh nk expect topik ape.
dah la sorang2. kalu xtau jwb mcm mane. angkat kening je. bleh x?
uuuuuuu....naik bulu roma weh sero..
okies, tgh dok syok2 tgk balik video yang aku captured time balik raye baru2 nie.
video ni agk best. my 8th year old niece, Asna memperkenalkan Tudung Asna!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Time Traveler's Wife
this novel was released in 2003 (according to Wiki). but i had my first read for this novel in 2005, right after SPM. can't really remember whom did I get from and how. and then, i think now, it has several kind of new versions with different covers. oh well, don't really give a damn about that, since the content is just still the same. what i like most about this novel is that it is both science fiction and romance! how can you resist that? but somehow some reviewers found that this novel is kinda hard to classify generically. hmm...apo2 je la.janjisodap!
and now the movie is released. and i have no idea, whether it has already on in Australia, or hasn't it?
it is the time that really hard to control.
but the hardest thing is to be the one that stays.
(penyabar betul la isteri kalu yang dapat suami mcm tu)
Monday, October 12, 2009
penyakit ke nih?
as we are all getting closer, right to the end of our studies in 2009, this would happen.
as expected. penyakit homesick. smua status2 ni diambil dari facebook yer..
i will hold on to this. 1 month, 1 week and 5 days. 53 months and still counting for more! this is suppose to make me happy but im not. i need to be closer to them. urgh! (Nor Baizura, 2009)
i think, i seriously think, that i left my soul in KL (Jasmin Khairat, 2009)
it's the hardest thing to control.. :( (Fahimah Hambari, 2009)
mama, need u...ayah miss u...aish! ( Nooraini Salimah Sakhon, 2009)
Marah...kecewa..leave me alone... (Nabilah Zainuddin, 2009) --> yg ni xpasti relate ke x
hati ini mengenangkan ummi... Ya Allah,anugerahilah kesihatan yang baik kpd ummi & papa.... [maybe will fly back as soon as possible in December???Wallahualam] (Szuansafz Zulkipli, 2009)
"need to be next to you" (Ibtisam Ismail, 2009) ---> hok ni paling jiwang
workshop done...next week, oral presentation for physio. and the week after, the scary VIVA! mood skrang = masih teringat umah dan muaz...ohh..i miss muaz's giggles and smiles (Ahlami Wan Muhammad, 2009)
esok ade presentation lagi. ya Allah..kuatkanlah hatiku...ameenn..
Saturday, October 10, 2009
of kereta and pengukus
Assalamualaikum semua.
tidak kami sangka, sepanjang 2 minggu kami tiada di Adelaide, kerana pulang beraya di Malaysia, side mirror kereta jadi macam nie,
tapi yang paling best, Ummu berjaya mendapatkan pengukus yang sangat besar (leh kukus 2 benda at the same time) dgn harga 5dollar di garage sale! oh yeah oh yeah
dan terus test wat puding karamel tadi! oh yeah oh yeah!
sekian. 2 cerita, 3 keping gambar hok ambo tepek!
p/s: i can't help but break down, and cry listening to 'Unbelievable' by Craig David
kelantan vocab: tepek = tampal
Thursday, October 08, 2009
back to adelaide
sekarang bersiaran di Adelaide lah plak.
harus menghabiskan saki baki pengajian yang tiggal lagi lebih kurang 1/4 semester. insyaAllah, doa-doakanlah saye nie. semoga dapat habis belajar sperti yg dirancang.
kadang2 tuh banyak sgt benda yg nk dirancang (koya2 pong ado) smpai rase mcm xtahu lah boleh ke x nak dicapai nanti.
x pe lah..nanti2 lah dlu. yang penting ialah sekarang. kan?
anyway, smpai je Adelaide, cuaca sejuk dah mencucuk2 dah. eh? pelik rase. spatut nye dah rase la suam2 panas sedikit. sbb sekarang spring. tapi mcm winter plak. xper la, weather pon kadang2 naik turun kan. ape yg kite expect x smestinya jadi betul. Allah knows the best!
kerja banyak. memang banyak. tapi dah tinggal beberapa je lagi. sbb 12 november ni dh start final exam. insyaAllah 2 paper saje, 12 dan 14 november. hurm...pikir tarikh yang sesuai utk pulang ke malaysia plak nnti. byk agenda yg kena buat and attend bile balik malaysia hujung thn nie...plan.plan..plan..
ape2pon, smoga segala-gala dipermudahkan..ameenn...
ucapan aidilfitri utk kakja kt keningau n kakak kt singapore
Sunday, October 04, 2009
bagai terjaga dari mimpi
igt yer, Assalamualaikum is a WAY better or i should say the right way to greet, rather than 'Salam 1 Malaysia'..nth hape2 la...my kakngoh understands this..hehe..kan kak ngoh kan?
oh yer, nk crite pasal passport saye nie.
hari khamis baru2 nie, kan ade a few days lagi nk balik adelaide, jadi kena la make sure all the important things must be in the right place, should i say, with me la kan.
first priority, passport lah kan. cari punye cari. TAK JUMPA! mmg satu rumah dah cari. segala benda aku kelebek. pah ko tikar getoh tu ambo akak nok cari passport ambo tuh! xdop jugop! dale hati ni, mace2 doa doh dok baco. istighfar, selawat, tapi masih beringat la, maybe ni dugaan Allah nok buwi. byk sgt dok galok2 kot sekak balik kampung nih. huhu..sangkaan utama saye, passport tercicir kat airport..ya Allah...
so, saye REDHA lah.. dan decide nok g report police doh the next day, jumaat tuh. pakai siap comey2 dah la, ma abah teman la. siap tnjuk demo lagi kat kakjie, nk crite ape kt polis tue..
then my mom, tiba2 tergerak hati nak g tgk kt tong sampah kering (letak2 kertas), kemudian nampak mcm benda merah2 dalam tue. ape lg..terus jerit.. "AHLAMI!!!!...ni ma jupo dohh niee....!!"..ya Allah..passport ku dok dale tong sampah ruponyo..sape la yg terbuang tuh...huhu...ALHAMDULILLAH..memang Allah nk uji kan.
tue la kite, kalu xdiuji, dok senang jah, x ingat ko Tuhan...bile diuji, baru la merintih2...astaghfirullah..btul, saye rase sperti terjaga dari mmpi yang buruk sekejap after jmpa passport tuh..hihi..
okeh..esok nak balik adelaide dohh..huhu..kerja mcm2 ade..toksoh oyak la..
-workshop presentation, viva, final report, daybook submission----> aaaaa....!
p/s: nnti bersiaran di Adelaide plak, insyaAllah...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
besiaran dari Kota Bharu
yer, lamo sunggoh la ambo xmari jenguk blog2 para bloggers skalian.. sahkan blog org lain, blog sndiri pon bersarang labah2 doh nie..huhu..
ape khabar semua? masih dalam mood raye ker?
kih3..bagi mereka yg masih bercuti dan berada di kampung sperti saye, semestinya mood raye dan bersenang lenang masih lagi segar bugar. aisey...terase mcm tulis surat cinta tak rasmi plak dah! =))
ape2pon, hope this is not gonna be sort of late, to wish Selamat Hari Raya, and maaf zahir batin segala-gala yg terasa hati or terkasar ape2.
Alhamdulillah. saye selamat smpai di tanahair (mcm 10tahun dah xbalik..haha) pada 17 september, dan terpaksa bermalam di KLIA yg b***k, sebelum smpai ke KB pada 18sept pagi tue. ape2pon semua nya selamat...
dan beraye bersama family terchenta, alhamdulillah, anugerah terindah dari Nya.
semoga mendapat keberkatan, insyaAllah. ape yg penting, dapat share precious moments with them. saye sgt bersyukur! ini pon rezeki Allah bagi. happiness, time spent dan semua2 nya!
sekarang, saye rase, saye boleh gmbar kan diri saye ini, ade BANYAK sangat tali. dan tali-tali tersebut dapat menghubungkan saye dengan family and friends. saye akan pegang tali-tali ini dgn sangat kuat. kalu boleh, ikat mati, bukan stakat simpul-simpulan bahasa sahaja. saye berjanji tidak akan putus atau lepaskan tali2 itu, MELAINKAN, mereka yg decide utk lepaskan tali itu. hehehe. (gapo la mung dok bobe ni ahlami weiii...)
kerja banyak. itu sangat obvious. tapi MALAS nak buat lg. itu lagi la obvious kan.
ohh...best nye dok umh! jadi drebar and baby-sitter! (lupe diri ni student jap..haha)
kepada kakak no.1 saye, aida wan muhammad, dan kakak no.5 saye, zanariah wan muhammmad..jgn bersedih dearest sisters xdpt beraye bersama! you both are always in our hearts. jauh atau dekat. =)....love you all!
pics - boleh diintai2 dan dikomeng2 kat facebook yer..=)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Bazaar Ramadan in Adelaide?
yes yes yes! there was bazaar ramadhan running in Adelaide a few days ago!
first we hear about this, my best friend, ibtisam and I were so excited and semangat to get involved in this bazaar. not as buyers, but sellers or stall owners la kan. haha. perasan je lebih. ingat kan xjadi dah. but, with all the efforts, cewah..berjaya jugak la utk jadi penjual yg berjaya. haha perasan lgi! so, we decided to have a go with roti jala, karipap, onde-onde and seri muka. =)
Alhamdulillah. syukur sangat2. everything was sold out! kih3. perasan lagi... orait. malas ckp byk. actually. i was about to finish off my 2000words essay, but something went wrong and not really in moooood to do so. and this could be (at least) the reason of three posts in a row. LOL. whatever la kan bak kata kak dina. kih3. okeh. sekian. pardon me if ayat tunggang langgang. naip supo nok ambak ketoapi nih. haha
laporan dari kilang kami
p/s: selamat memburu lailatul qadar. better than 1000months. sehingga dijanjikan sebegini rupa. MasyaAllah..=)
p/s: kena siapkan essay dlu, baru bleh excited and tulis post pasal nak balik malaysia.
p/s: kena siapkan essay dlu, baru bleh excited and tulis post pasal nak balik malaysia.
Updates - IFTAR(s)
biase la kan..bulan2 puasa ni la ramai org nak panggil bukak puasa. insyaAllah..berlipat ganda ganjaran yg kita akan peroleh dalam bulan puasa nie. xkire abe jenis kebaikan yg kita buat. =)).
setakat nie. paling byk bukak puasa kt umah brompton lah. ade juga di south terrace. di ovingham juge. sayang korang smua. u guys always cheer my life here. and always make my days even happier than they can ever be. and more importantly, having such a meaningful and wonderful friends. da da da (bebel)
kami memang excited la bab makan2 nie. makanan xsoh cito lah. mace2 jenis ado. yg impossible bleh jadi possible. eh? ado eh lagu tuh? kih3. tapi hok penting, x mmbazir lah. kalu ado lebih tue. cepat2 bagi wt balik make sahur plop. teringat umoh la plop. my mum jenis yg sayang la nk buang lauk pauk. kalu ado sket lebih gulai ke, msti amik simpan dale freezer. pastu sminggu lagi pon, kalu masih elok, panas plop gulai tue. tapi, saye ni plak, tgk yg lebih-lebihan, laju jah nok tohok (buang). xbaik gitu deh? huhu. agak2 nya sbb my mum penah hidup susah, jadi bab makanan ni xleh la nak buang kokse jah. patut jadi teladan yg nie. ok. tatap gmba lah...
Updates(out of date) - Immune Dinner
dah lame dah sbenarnya nak cite pasal kitorang punye immune dinner hari tue.
lame sgt dah. almost a month ago. 21 August. a day before ramadhan. our lecturers in conjunction with immunology department had organized a great dinner at Pondok Bali, the only halal restaurant yg agak superb and marvellous!
since ade quite significant portion of muslims among immuno students..so, they'd decided to be more preferential in halal restaurant. =))..nice one la! memahami betul lah lecturer2 kami!
only AUD20 per person. supposedly, it should be AUD30, tapi school sanggup bayar another 10 dollars..so..save on us! =)
itu sahaja laporan untuk dinner final year saye. sila view gmba je la kan. photos are authentically from Dr.Chris Wong, a chinese malaysian lecturer in Adelaide Uni. paling sporting!

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