Tajuk takde kaitan dgn entri. it's just that I'm currently back in love with Melissa Polinar's song, Say You'll Stay :) was crazy with this song somewhere in April this year, and now the studio version of the song has just come out. with new arrangement which is pretty cool ! :D
sekarang kat umah, my sisters yang dok jauh2 semua dah pulang ke rumah masing2. sunyi and senyap laaa plak rase umah nih. Tinggal Muaz and Wazif aje. Muaz almost 2 years old, Wazif baru 2 bulan. Muaz takde partner in crime dah nak sepah2 umah. so tadi dia main2 dgn Wazif. Main suap2 cereal. terkejut yang amat Mak Ude tengok Muaz dok suap cereal cornflakes hok keras kekung tuh kat mulut Wazif. Wazif coooooool ice ice bebeh jer dia. maintain. hahahadoi. lucu lucu.
oh yer. hari tu my bestfriend, kaklynn bertunang dah ! :D I am really really really really really HAPPY for you kaklynn. Nomu nomu nomu nomu saranghae !
Dan juga, lusa akan bergerak ke Kedah for my bestfriend's wedding jugak. sapo lagi kalu bukan Ibtisam. aduhai makcik tuh, jangan dok kalut2 sangat lah. dah nak jadi bini org dah tuh. hehe. sedap pesan kat orang :)
Lepas dok Kedah for 3 days. akan ziarah (aicewah ziarah tue ) KL plak sekejap. 3 hari je pon. Question: Camne la nak bahagi2 kan masa utk buat byk benda in 3 days tuh ?
Answer: Abah said, put main/prior things on top of everything first. Ahlami said, probably the main/prior things are fun things. hahaha. Ahlami's answer can not be used lah gitu gak. cannot cannot !
also, found this,
"To fall in love is a disease and its cure is to marry with the person one is in love with"
(Islamic Proverb, Ibn Al Qayim)
and this,

haha! suap cereal kat budak 2 bulan? hahah..nice. oh u here 3 days je..mcm tak sempat je jumpe ina ni..takpe, buat yg mane penting dulu k :) kirim salam kat ib..ckp tahniah :)
it is sooo true what ibnu qayim said.=)
love that qoute kak ami..=)
What if I don't ever wanna be cured from the disease (love) ? Can't I get married?
kelakarlah mak ude nih..nomu nomu nomu nomu nomu,saranghe pulak..hehee..
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