Sunday, December 05, 2010

Take Care

Salam wbt

ma abah have been in KL since November 30th lagi. esok baru balik. huhu. elok2 aje ma abah berlepas last week tuh, rumah dah jadi kuca lanaaa doh. haha. actually, both my sisters, kakjie and fatien x sihat. diarrhoea yg teruk jgk lah. and kakjie plak ade 2 sons, Muaz and Wazif yg x masuk 2 bulan pon lg. Muaz pon kena diarrhoea teruk jugak. So, dalam rumah ni, saye sorang je yang sihat walafiat tubuh badan, Alhamdulillah.

rumah sangat kelam kabut. Muaz muntah byk kali jgak. atas selimut. atas comforter. kena bantal and sarung bantal jgk. so, bilik air tuh, macam2 ade. from comforter, selimut and 2 biji bantal. kira complete set. nak tido dalam bilik air pon boleh. hahaha. sabor jer lah. and saye jugak terpaksa mengangkut pesakit2 ni ke klinik yg berdekatan.

Alhamdulillah. everyone is now back to normal health condition. except for Muaz, becoming a little bit clingy hari ni. probably he has just recovered kot ? huhu. okay. tetiba rase macam saye dah bukak nursery ! hahahaha

alritey. ape lagi. oh yes, kota bharu hujan sokmo loni. and today rase a bit windy. angin ade ni selalunya leads to banjir lah. hehehe. but that's normal lah for penambang people. ngeh3. tapi hopefully tahun ni banjir x besar :) sekejap2 is fun. lama2 is disaster.

Whatever it is, we must always take a good care of ourselves. and kalau orang lain yg sakit, kite yang sihat kena la take care mereka yang sakit. juga jangan lupe take care ape2 pemberian and amanah orang lain untuk kita juga ! so, take care everyone !

"For those who do good there is the best, and something more. Neither gloom shall cover their faces, nor disgrace. Those are the people of Paradise. Therein they shall live forever." [10:26]


PS. will you ?


Wangi said...

sekejap2 is fun. lama2 is disaster.

yeah !!!

Tepi Sungai Batu said...

Pak Man saja-saja datang ziarah. Sihat ke?.