was awesome!
much better than yesterday. much better than last week i guess.
in terms of experiment that I've been going through like hell for this semester
and continuously for the rest of the year.
the rat was behaved verrrrryyyyy well! everything was smooth and almost purrrfecctt (this word means that it was not that perfect enough though).
from the making of the solution and to the pulse pressure given by the rat heart.
yipppiii! yipppiii! we did it! we did it well (and fun) !!
in sight of Swine Flu.
Let us pray that everything will go well and please protect us from this disaster.
but i still have this bad thought (we all do, don't we?),
"kalu la tetiba Australia nie dilanda Swine Flu yang teruk, agak2 Government Malaysia bagi ke x ktorng nak pulang ke Malaysia? "
oh no No no No!! scary man! scary!! okay now, then stop thinking about that!
i think it shoud've been better if i could just think about this,
" It's week 8 now..then next week would be week 9, continue week 10, week 11, week 12 and then Final Exam! dooommm! hurmm...i should start revising now! i should! should i have this thought, then i should start re-organizing all the notes "
but that's not just the case. a way too different to what i'm doing now!
EBAYING! from novels to eyeliners la plak. smua nya salah cik ibtisam! terpangaruh! bad influence nih. xpenah2 nk tgk eyeliners. aisehhh..kan pakai nnti org cakap mata lebam nanges semalaman plak. haiyooo...nasib baik xbeli ape2. selamat duit nk g jalan2 (and shopping). hehe.
of Muaz - sudah botak! hehe. same2 botak ngan dzareef. yang amazing nyer, pisau cukur yang my mother guna utk botakkan kepala muaz and dzareef tue dah berpuluh tahun pon umur nyer. hehe...ade byk lg brg2 kt umh tue yg lagi tua jangka hayatnye dari (ke drp eh?) saye.
please notice the old pisau cukur that can still be used

p/s: tadi tepon ma, ma cakap jaga diri baik2. hehe. insyaAllah. under guidance of Allah. insyaAllah...
week 9, week 10, week 11, week 12..pastu merdeka! :P
tuh la,ahlami kena jaga diri baik2, nati ma risau la,erm,apo nihhh
penggunaan bahasa yang betul adalah...drp saya..ok??
kt adelaide ade x kes swine flu??
take cre ye...=)
owh..pisau cukur tu..kalu letok kat ebay...jual..ramai yg berebut nak beli tuh, relic la katakan....kuikuikui
heee...jago diri molep tu..nt rama riso tuuu..
muaz duk tgk sapo la tu bekeng tuu??
Cutenya baby.
huwaaaa..xaci2! ado unsur kesohoran di situu..!!
time kaceh cikgu elly kerana membetulkan ayat itu...hehe...leh wt kelas tuition BM pah nie..
kt adelaide stkt ni xde lg...huhu..nauzubillah..
hahaha..relic la sgt kakja..xpo, ado lg rasonyo hok relic..kih3. tp betul, sbb ma jenis sipe kei brg2 lamo..hehe..
tau la muaz...sokmo kerut kening tue..supo mummy dio lah..hehe..nti besar sket..snyum cute2 supo mak ude la plop..haha
pok zawi,
thank u pok zawi..ur blog is much more inspired!
sihatnyer baby kak jie..tak macam kak jie yg kecik molek tuh..hehhehe...banyak btol promotion muaz kt blog nih..agak2 dlm blog anis syahirah, ade ke tak yek? (so dat we know sape syg muasz lebey..hehe)
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