hari ni rase nak membebel lah sket!
hi there. it's 71st because the number actually represents the number of entries that i've already written so far in 'From the Inner Side'. i had no idea the moment i was about to name this blog. should i change its name? or to put it in a nice way, should i rename my blog to something that really relates what I've been writing? why do i have to put my concern too much on this? oh there you go, the inner side has just started talking and asking. that sounds so creepy, doesn't it?
this is what actually i always and like to do. compare and compare. especially between what is now and what was before. what is this actually, a scientific approach of getting things too complicated? oh so, ape2 jer lah kan.
well, uni talks, practical stuffs - been doing the Viriology Report and trying to put all the things together, at the right place and trying to make sense of it as well! pointless jgk kan buat report tp xpaham. ngeh3. first year and second year slalu jer mcm tue. oh well, as time goes by, we'll get better! stick to that!
today we killed another rat. it was quite a big rat this time. skali tgk, mcm ni kot rupe tikus mondok. unfortunately, we couldnt take pics in there, so, yeahh..ethics and that kinda stuffs. we even had to sign the consent form, not allowing us to talk about the experiment to others. xkesah lah kan. agak2, kalu cite kot melayu pakcik supervisor saye tue paham ke x eh? ngeh3..evil smile...and laugh...muahahahaha
last 2 weeks, i made chocolate muffin, while the juniors were still staying at our house. and a few days back, i baked some banana muffins plak dah. good attempt ahlami! and i think, i was the one who ate almost 1 third of the muffins. hehe..sedap etep. haha..syok sndiri lah plak. will be baking some more cakes, muffins and cuppies soon. and we did come out with this not so silly idea, ahem..sape2 nk buat tempahan kek ke, muffin ke, cupcakes ke, especially when it comes to birthday or any event, sedia menerima tempahan! hahahaa...ehhh..ini seriuss!! mklum la, duit x byk sgt since balik malaysia sokmo, xmacam org lain, so kite berbisnes lah sket..hehe.
ohhh....lupe nak citer, hari tue beli sarung kusyen baru kt kete kami. maklum lah, xpenah tukar kan, hehe. haaa..amik ko pink and black. nampak la sket kan ade pink, kete pompuan..hehe
kak ami!!!! nk kek! :P puloh tempah 2 guni deh! haha..
2 guni tu bersamaan 20 biji kek ko? ahahaa...buleh2..napok gayo keno g exercise tange dlu nihss...hehe
mak ooii 2 guni nas.......
guni tuh besa ko kecik dik?
bapo ya mu jual sutir kek tuh?
nt klo mu wat smula, oyap rr dess
bulih aku tapaw...
jgn beli kek ahlami buat. bahayo... doh laa buat kek tk rajin nk basuh tange.. pah kade2 jupo rambut dale kek tuh.. erm. ado time dio letok julap. haih.. parok oghe nego gini.. wat nyaknyo ko oghe beli.... tok baik tau wat gituh.. hahha
hey ahlami! ado kereta deh duk denuh... hoho.. sedak molek!
hehe..kek tue..ami xjual mahal..insyaA..smua pon mampu..huhu..cupcakes n muffins pon ado jgk!
ayee gilos:
hey ayee!! fitnah3x! xabis2 yak dlu lagi deh dekki nga ami dehhss..padahal dio xpnda wt kek tue..oh well...last year lg ado keto awe wehh..
wahh,best2 muffins tuh,nanti kelik mesia ely leh tempah la,arituh tak sempat mntk resipi,sesaje nak belajar,wkakkakakakakak...
nice la sarung kusyen baru tuh,pink sokmo,tok hbs222 mek ahlami weiii....tukar kaler gak skitt
yeah.....comey molek muffins tuh...merekoh molek..I bagi sapot 200% u nak berbisnes...beh ape baking2 nih..lagi pon u kan dah amik kelas ngan I .....hahaha..yo yo je amik kelas konon.
hahah!! ayee jht gile..amie nti buat cup cakes untuk ina eh! buat sdp2!..wah, u pn dh start berbisness eh..bagus2..bile u balik, kite jd bisness partner tau!hehe
tue la..xsmpt nk blaja wt cupcakes same2 kan..xpe, nnti ami blk lg..doakan ami leh blk either july or sept nie..hehe..
ohh..mesti la...kamu kan sifu saye tak berbayar..first time wt decoration atas kek, ketar tgn2...hehe..
jom na! jadi bisnes partner i..kire, u nk berbisnes kan, u jamu la client ngn muffins i..haha..
aaa... parok lah kali nih..
ceroh perot abih laa hok mano2 make kek ahlami wat tuh...
kalu beraso teliur sgt nk make kek, baik g belikedai muhibah jah laa...
tok pade nga tepoh laa wey.
kalu lepah2 make berok caaa...
hoh tok ca bakpo nyo buh julap.. habih ceroh perot!!
hok mano2 nk make jgk tuh.. cedey2 lah pampers...
shaddaaapppp lahh ayee ngok ngekk!
besar panje pong ngok ngek and tok pok lagiii! apadaaaa
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