Tag: 3 ugliest photos of you
i've been tagged by my best friend, maslina yusak. we were best friends when i was doing my matriculation course back in Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang, KMPh for only 1month only.hehe. ever since, we are still best friends. she is a cheeky and fun girl, full with excitement. it's kinda hard to make her stop talking. very the talkative one laa!! haha. eh, tersilap ckp byk la plak.ok, there you go ina..the 3 ugliest photos (as far as i know in my own definition of Ugly)
Taken by - Miss Ibtisam IsmailLocation - University of Sydney, NSWTwo
Taken by - Miss Ibtisam Ismail (dia ni lagi)Location - Queenstreet Mall (kot?), Brisbane, QLDThree
Taken by - Miss Ibtisam Ismail (asyik2 dia nie)Location - Dreamworld, Gold Coast, QLDand i have NO IDEA who should i tag. hehe. some other time lah yer..
jadi la kan..okay, that's enough. i have to pack a few things. where to? KL tomorrow. and will be back here again with my youngest sis, Fatien. bubyeamiep/s: movie-date anyone??
haha amie,so cutey la ketiga2 pic amie tuh,erm,ouh,nak g kL yerk,tgk movie?date someone??maybe i know,bestnya,jelezz seyh,erm,amie,nak minta resepi utk wat cup cakes la,nmpk mcm best..ok amie,happy there ok,kim slm kat org yg amie nak date tuhss
haha..cute ko? aisehh...patut jadi hudoh la elly...oh..nk recipe cupcakes eh..boleh2..ami ambik from sini jer..
hahaha..hudoh dehh...i pon vote for 3rd photo jugak lahh...haha..hey2, no turning back yer..haha
honey im so touched! terharu i u describe me up there.heheh..n thank you so much for sahut cabaran tu! u rock babe! haha...no 1 is the best!how u do that??ha3x! followed by no 3! nice..u bit me :p..dun worry, abg u wont go anywhere..:)so after this jgn amik gbr untuk cun je..boring kan?we should try something different n crazy..ehehe..bad influence :p
hahaa...mengancam molek ayat tu kaklingg..tebing la larii...ado aksi kejar-mngejar la pahnie..ala2 hinduste..haha
hehe..as u wish.. and i always keep my promises..muahaha..perasann..
yer betol ina! bosan dah posing biase2..i tau sgt la...i kan model..model kipas pon jadi lahh..haha..
uhuk uhuk
adehh...ptt asyik tersedak2 ja semenjk dua menjak ni
ko yg dok mention upanya..hahah
ugliest ke ni mie?ada g kot..hahaha
aksi2 depan handphone sendiri..hahaha
biarlah rahsia
p/s:i miss u..hiks3
haha. seriusly kewl je kan upload, no maintain no control kan. hihi. :) yelah, bile tag org, memanjang x nak buat sbb kate nti jatuh saham. tah pape. :p
jujurnye,tkejut tgok wak ni macam da kojol time zaman cowboy dulu...huahuahua...
pic ini jelas menunjukkan ketidakmatured'an cik amie kto..hahaa..
imej senget sggh ternyata disitu..wawawaw
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