hurmm....saje je curi masa kejap nie.
mcm terliur la plak tengok org lain dok update blog. slrrrppp....
tapi xtahu la plak nk tulis pasal ape.hehe. let's just go on. let's see how far can i go.
anyway, peteh's mother is here. she arrived here about a week ago.
muka mmg same ngn peteh. telatah pon same.
lately, aku dok cakap tganu doh la ngan mok peteh. buleh la sket2.
doh la hari2 makang keppok. haha
hurm.... seeing peteh's mother reminds me about my mother a lot.
and yeah, study week is a space where i love to call my ma abah.
even a single simple question such as 'ma masok gapo hari nie?' can really
make my day. hehe...anok ma ko eh? mesti laahhh!!
and sejak study week nie, aku suke la pegi library.
ahem..mane? ahaa...library laa...
honestly, before this, i didnt really like getting myself into the library.
and just staying and spending my time there for about 5-6 hours
doing the revision this and that. it was just too much pressure for me.
you know, you turn left, u will see this specky chinese girl with 3 heavy books
clicking her calculator (accountacy la tue) .
and u turn right, u will about to see this indian lady
memorizing whatsover terms (law kot?) . and u will see everyone is studying!
that's what i thought. what i used to think.
anyway, this time is different. in fact, i kinda like the atmosphere.
it's not that bad actually. u just sit there, and do your thing and the next thing
you know is you're just in your own world, omitting things surrounding you.
pssssttt....and for me, it only lasts for about..say...1 hour n 30minutes?
hahaa...and then i will start to buat tarian joget2 ke. nyanyi hindustan ke. hehe..kidding!
xde laa...kena bangun n g toilet n stretch sket2...
anyway name library ktorng nie Barr Smith Library.
aku mule2 dgr nama nie mcm tekejut gak la..ade ke bar dia g wat library.
or library dia g wat bar..isshhhh3...[sbnrnyo darat kakloh time tue..haha]
oh yes! sbelum terlupa. kepada rakan2 seperjuangan, minta maaf sempena nk exam nie skiranya ade salah silap. insyaAllah, betulkan niat, semoga usaha kita yang sikit atau banyak ni dikira sebagai Ibadah oleh Nya. All the best!!
okay...let's see my exam timetable.

Ya Allah, persiapkan kami mengenai dengan urusan kami dengan petunjukMu

rindu ma abah. rindu senyuman mereka.
p/s: semoga tabah dan kuat!