Monday, April 08, 2013

Khayra's first tooth!

Hi there again!

It's been almost a month since my last entry. Told ya, this blog has officially become a monthly update blog, hasn't it? Anyway, khayra's first tooth is now visible. The left lower tooth has come out. Left! Which makes me in high hope of wishing she will be lefty just like me! Hahaha. Just kidding! As long as she is healthy and growing excellent, lefty or righty does not bother me that much! :P

Oh the second tooth is slightly visible too actually! Both teeth are growing well. Alhamdulillah. It's such a blessing to be able seeing my daughter comes up with another milestone. And everyday is a bright new day to her, learning new things and I also as a mother have lots of things to learn and understand. May Allah ease everything inshaallah :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah dh tumbuh gg...comey bangat!hehe...ami,khayra ni kiro nyo xisap botol la eh?mugo duk nge ami jah 24jam...hehe

-Ummi Amsyar-