Thesis submitted. Alhamdulillah. kite serahkan pada yang pakar untuk menilai apekebenda la Ahlami tulis dalam thesis dia tuh. hikhik. for some reasons. for some reasons.
hari ni 29 oktober. meaning, i have 20 more days being here in Adelaide. Ya Allah ! cepat nya rase berlalu. 20 hari je lagi nak balik Malaysia. Indeed, I'm feeling happy, excited, anticipating, enchanted etc thinking about going back home. However (dalam thesis hari tuh banyak sangat tulis however. hehe), for some reasons, diri ini terasa sebak and muffled jugak thinking of every day that passes before I'll be leaving Adelaide for good. f0r some reasons. feels like Adelaide is my second home. has been teaching me the meaning of joy and sorrow. facing all the ups and downs. and I am thankful for that.
eh tetiba pulak jadi entri sedih. sob3 T_T
saya bersiaran kat lab nih. tetiba rase sunyi plak. selalu ade budak2 honors lain jugak. hmmmm. ponteng rupenye budak2 nih. eh, kami masih ade Final Presentation on this November 8th. haaaaaaaa that time i'm pretty much sure, everyone is going to say Hello to butterflies, meet Mr.stomach ! especially me ! hmmm I swear I will sing any song that just pop into my mind in case I stumble or stuff up the presentation. buat2 pengsan pon okay jugak rasenye. LOLOL
oh my. sweet nyooooooooo ! insyaAllah. ameen. ameen :)

p/s: for some reasons which i don't know, if I could pick anyone in this world, it would still be you
ami, apa link post anda n gambar di bawah tu?
I LIKE!!!!
kak faezah! hihi.
nice kan gambar tuh. adeihhh. cair. heart is melting! haha
link pos nih ? hmmm..rasenye mcm nih,
memg cair pn
perasaan nk kawen tiba2 membuak2
ngeh3. tueee lah. moga kita bertemu jodoh yang soleh. Ameennnn :)
kak faezah jgn lupe jemput!
entry kali nih supo jiwo lah.haha.okayh!it would still be me!yeahh!haha.adek sapo la koya nihss..muahaha..
anyway,hello butterflies.wat kelik msia sikit dehsss...haah.
ami! gamba sapo tuh! whoaaa cuna baju dio. ami tahu2 la kakmi duk caghi baju jah loni huk3
meme jiwo pom. skali skalo xpo lah dik deh. dik, now we are just the same. ho yeah ho yeah!
kak ilhami.
hehe. tahu lah gamba sapo tu kak mie. ami main tepekkk jah. comey etep. eh kak mie, nati jangan lupe jemput deh. kalu nk mtk2 tlg wt gapo2 pom helo2 jah la deh. hikhik
konpirm jemput
pakej dgn ustazah ramizah sekali
i.Allah~ hehee
utk sumernyaa. all the best cik ami! :)
Thenkiuuu Rehan!
you too. all the best!
eh, I nok g perth 20 november nih. tp transit airport kejap jah la. sapa kol 2 ptg. flight Perth-KLIA male tuh. huhu
la..yeke...pastu lepak kt airport je ke?bakpo xtransit lame sket?buleh jjaley..hehe saem rhn aritu kate ade saem dio dr adelaide transit sini gop..bilo tu xhau. 20gok kot.
gudluck kak amie!!haha..igt tu bwk balik butterfliess ko fatien.ahah
kak mie, nina nak gop tuh butterflies tuh,wat kelik 4 ekor.byk sikit,tkot berebut..haha
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