Hi. My name is Ahlami.
Ahlami means 'my dreams' or 'impianku' in Malay.
My second sister, kakngoh that suggested this name to my parents.
So, she was the one that gave this name to me.
When I was a kid, I mean, like primary school, I wondered why was my name so weird.
Why my name doesn't have 'Nur' or 'Siti' or 'Puteri' or 'Tengku' (melampauuu la tu nak tengku). hehe. cause i had always imagined that it would be pretty to have that fancy Nur, Siti or Puteri in front on my name. hihi. but that was just a little of myself, 7 or 8 year old girl.
and now, no matter how far i have thought about it, i still believe that we should all be proud with our own names, especially when knowing the meanings. and yeah, name is just a name if you don't value yourself.

so yes, i'm a little left of center. lefty kan. ehehe
mulo2 wat entry Ibtisam..pahtu Ahlami..pahtu wat entry Zanariah la plop....hihihi....oloh,berdo'oh nah nok ado teku..Wae cukup laa...hehehee...ambo koya nok ado Sharifah....hahahahaha...Sharifah Zanariah.....uweekkk!
kakja jange toktahu. ami sokmo dulu koya2, kito ni sbenarnyo kerabat dirajo. kalu buke alik kelate pom kerabat rajo siam. muahaha. gom molek sero. olok koya nyo kakak aku soghe nih. sharifah tuee..sero xpadey nga hidung kito nih kakja. oghe x cayo ado sharifah. haha
naka jug0k aw0k nih..
kak ja, nak uwekkk jugak.
kak dina dgn abe ha masa pregnantkan Amir (err.. apsal abe ha skali???) dah cakap, kalau girl nak letak Ahlami. Kalau orang tanya "eh ahlami kan dah ada?" kitaorang akan jawab "biar pandai macam Amie".
sila lah kembang ok? haha.
yess..nama ahlami mmg unik laa..=)
ahahahhahah..sharifah zanariah...
ambo suko doh dengan fatien adibah ni..kak ngoh jugop bagi nama kat i..hehe
kalimah "ahlaam" ada dalam Quran bermaksud mimpi@impian..tmbh "i" jadi impian saya..
nampknya sy hnya mampu mmberi nama2 perempuan pada adik2..impian sy utk memberi nama pada bakal2 anak2 perempuan saya sudah lama berakhir..
naka sket2 jah. hehehe. nok juruhh hok lebih nyo. :)
kak dina:
wakakah...kembang dah nih.
anyway, dah amir boy kan. ape kata beranak la lagi kak dina! hikhik.make sure girl yer. hehe. ami doakan. ameenn..
hehe. unik x penting. maksud yg penting. hehe. thanks lynn. semua dari Allah. :)
kakngoh wi namo sedap2 belako dik. hehehe.
well explained kakngoh.
Ahlaam from surah Yusoff deh. hehe. ami baco surah yusoff, part sebut Ahlaam mesti suko dengar. hehe.
kakngoh, itsokay you don't have daughters, you still have us. thank you Allah. Alhamdulillah!
kakak,chaittt! u pon uwekk gak?
ami and adik: tapi kae ami...acu tgk idung Ma and adik badik Ma...hidung bokok supo syed sharifah ape....hahaha...cumo tok berapo nok nurun ko anok2 Ma jah,
Kak Ngoh : it;s ok kak ngoh, mebi nanti kak ngoh bulih letok namo anok2 Ahlami ko..anok fatien ko...deh?
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