hello people,
last 3 days, i've received special gift from Kak Tie, my sister's friend. or maybe her cyber friend. and yeahh..that happens to be my cyber friend as well...oh yes..do we still have the term cyber friends? or blogging friends maybe? ehehe...alahaii..banyok kecek plop doh..
yeahh...coincidently, i happened to be her 888th reader...then i'm the lucky one!!
anyway..THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH...^Hugs and KiSSes^ to Kak Tie.
last 3 days, i've received special gift from Kak Tie, my sister's friend. or maybe her cyber friend. and yeahh..that happens to be my cyber friend as well...oh yes..do we still have the term cyber friends? or blogging friends maybe? ehehe...alahaii..banyok kecek plop doh..
yeahh...coincidently, i happened to be her 888th reader...then i'm the lucky one!!
anyway..THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH...^Hugs and KiSSes^ to Kak Tie.
and yet, today, 31st October is my last day of second year...Alhamdulillah..
yeah...sure it'd been much harder.
much more effort.
much more games here and there.
hehe...a friend of mine used to say that we are all dreaming right now.
being here, just doing this and that, and when we go back to Malaysia for good,
that's it! Dream's over. oh No!! how could it be? i mean...struggling here and there..
is this really a dream? maybe yeahh...because the fact that being in Malaysia feels like much more being in a real world. so, Reality it is..after all..[penuh perasaan sket bace ni yer]
yeah...sure it'd been much harder.
much more effort.
much more games here and there.
hehe...a friend of mine used to say that we are all dreaming right now.
being here, just doing this and that, and when we go back to Malaysia for good,
that's it! Dream's over. oh No!! how could it be? i mean...struggling here and there..
is this really a dream? maybe yeahh...because the fact that being in Malaysia feels like much more being in a real world. so, Reality it is..after all..[penuh perasaan sket bace ni yer]
LAST DAY of our 2nd Year, 31st Oct 2008

AL-FATIHAH to my cousin (sebelah abah),
Umran bin Wan Rasyid [kakja..betul ko ejo namo abe ra gini]...or we call him Abe Ra...
xdop doh la oghe hok rajin maghi bekki elektrik dumoh abah...
Ayoh Soh xdop doh..Abe Ra plop xdop..sob3..
semoga Abe Ra ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman dan soleh. ameenn..
y ur asking me?hehehe..I think arwah's name ada Mohd la kat depan....I was shocked too ami... :(
"a friend of mine used to say that we are all dreaming right now.being here, just doing this and that, and when we go back to Malaysia for good,
that's it! Dream's over."
haha...mcm knal sgt jah ayat ni..=p
p/s:bosan la nak komen gmba2 kita ni..asyik jadik mcm comel je klu bergamba..hahaahahah
amie..you're absolutely right!! i agree with you..kat oversea..kite tak kluar from our comfort zone..buat sumer mende pun in our comfort zone...nnti dah balik mesia for good baru tawu langit tinggi rendah..i always keep this to myself...tanak terlalu menyelesakan diri and being a narrow minded person kat nz nih..
nice card anyway..
and takziah to keluarga arwah as well..
aida comey
ermm best dapat kad kan?
sy pun pernah gak dpt kad raya dari
blogger lain.. :)Rse cam exited sgt..
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