hye there...would like to share a few thoughts here..
i remember, when i happened to meet OG = Orang Gila, back in my hometown..
especially, in the city of Kota Bharu, i would be so frightened to death like he would eat me!!
and i would always always always tried my best to avoid meeting these kinda people.
and if i happened to, i would always always always hid at my abah's back.or my ma's or my sister's....hurmm..i called them as Orang Gila..we all did..
and one fine day, a conversation with my nephew...we were going out to somewhere in the my abah's car..
rindu Aniq Hafiy!!!
i remember, when i happened to meet OG = Orang Gila, back in my hometown..
especially, in the city of Kota Bharu, i would be so frightened to death like he would eat me!!
and i would always always always tried my best to avoid meeting these kinda people.
and if i happened to, i would always always always hid at my abah's back.or my ma's or my sister's....hurmm..i called them as Orang Gila..we all did..
and one fine day, a conversation with my nephew...we were going out to somewhere in the my abah's car..
Mak Uda : aniq dok diam2 laahhh....jange bising!!
Aniq : aniq tok bising pon!!
Mak Uda : haa...tgk tuhh...kaki tuee..jange tende2(tendang2) lahh!!..tue..ado ORANG GILA tuee...mak uda suruh atuk bereti kei...tinggal aniq ko ORANG GILA tuee..
Aniq : Mak Ude, ayah ckp xbaik ckp GILA..kena cakap MENTAL-SICK PERSON...
Mak Uda : skema la....(keeping this to myself)
and today...i had my Psychology lecture as usual..and we talked about damage to FRONTAL LOBE (ni part yg kt dpn2 skali...cuba pgg dahi korang..ha..kt situ la frontal lobe) of the brain..
and yes, these injuries or damages to this part of the brain will actually lead to loss of social development, communication, living skills and mcm2 lg or so-called 'the normal behaviour we all should have'...
and yes, these injuries or damages to this part of the brain will actually lead to loss of social development, communication, living skills and mcm2 lg or so-called 'the normal behaviour we all should have'...
more information, feel free to visit this, Frontal Lobe Funtion

hurm...aniq was right...they are not GILA...they are just MENTAL-SICK PERSON...
[tp..mmg Mak Uda sgt penakut ngn mental-sick person..tu hakikat...hihi]
p/s:entry ni ditujukan khas jgk utk cik ibtisam ismail yg xdpt dtg lecture td sbb demam...ish2..kasihann...sbr ye laling...hehe
[tp..mmg Mak Uda sgt penakut ngn mental-sick person..tu hakikat...hihi]
p/s:entry ni ditujukan khas jgk utk cik ibtisam ismail yg xdpt dtg lecture td sbb demam...ish2..kasihann...sbr ye laling...hehe
Puan ami....hehehe...camner klau org yg suka sagt kacau,sakit hati org...then org itu mintak maaf...lebih kurang shaye laa..hehehehe....leh xplain x??huhuhuh
hurm...xsure la sbb sy bkn clinical psychologist..saye just student psychology..hehe..tapii.. bgus la klu mtk maaf tuee..even mental-sick person normal ker..if they know how to ask forgiveness..should be really good..and we as human, should try to forgive them..hehe..sekian..sero supo buwi ceramah motivasii...muahaha
wahaahaa..aniq..aniq..tu la aniq....ado sekali tu hok dio naik ketto nga abah pahtu deppe keto abah ado lori kuca seming tu..abah pong kato laa.tu lori kuca seming...aniq kato...."buke la atok..tu Cement mixer ...adulaa......"
wah terharu ada entry khas dedicated kat aku..haha
ouh...blja ni ke?bagus2...-blurr ni-haha-
nak mntak resepi bleh?bwahaha i wish to jadi doctor giler dulu...hahhaha...last2 end up ngan maths...jauh terpesong..but no matter what will happen,i'll do psych paper next year..tak kire tak kire..
hoho...aniq tue meme laa..kdg2..bnda kite sbut kot english plop..dio kato saloh..keno sbut kot klate plop..hadui..
muahaha..resipi ape tue? resipi BAJU raye xnk? haha
huhu...i know! i always remember that..u said that u wanted to be a psychologist..ehhehe..that's alright..u can do psychology as ur elective's FUN i'm telling u..hehe
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