Hi there. knock knock !
Dah semayang dah ? Hehe.
Tiba-tiba tanya macam tu kan. Yang belum solat lagi tuh, sila lah solat dulu yer. Hahaha macam cikgu-cikgu plak rase. Eh memang saye cikgu pon !
Kat UMK campus, saye sebagai tutor. Kat umah, hari friday and saturday sebagai cikgu tuisyen plak. Hehe. Nak cari makan sesuap nasik punye pasal. Boleh laaa kan. Wat bayar bil maxis beruk-bengg and beli air teh-o-beng jgak. Hihi.
Oh yes, nak crita pasal anak murid tuisyen saye nih. ade 3 orang semua nya,
Auni, 11 years old
Amira, 9 years old
Afnan, 13 years old.
See the age difference there ? Okay ! Age difference x kesah pon. But the syllabus difference is giving me quite a mess. Eh takde la mess, tapi fenin fenin lalat. Mula-mula tak biasa lagi. But then, when time passes by, rase mcm dah boleh handle them comfortably :) Yang penting, input yg disampaikan masukk meresap ke dalam brain and hati diorang okay ! hehe
Oh yer, nak cerita, So, last month i did make a promise to these kiddos that i wanted to bring them to KBmall. Pastu sampai laaa berlalu sebulan, tak sempat2 nak tunaikan the promise tuh. So, last week, paksakan diri brought them to kbmall. So I sort of belanja them at KFC aje. And bawak masuk bookstore. and suddenly they asked to go to Pacific to buy something. and they asked me not to go with them, together, just wait kt luar-luar tu jer. Pelik dah. Tunggu laaa kan kejap. Rupa rupanya, they bought me chocolates ! Hahaha. Aduhaiii melt-down jap rase. Terharuuuuu ! Hehe. 'Ni hadiah utk Kak Ami sebab ngajar kami'. Takpe Auni, Mira and Afnan, Kak Ami doakan semoga sentiasa berjaya dalam pelajaran, and jaga akhlak sokmo ! :)) Manners too okay !
Okay itu laa cerita terharu nya. Kecil jer cokelat tuh, tapi bermakna bagi saye ! :)
kecil tapi bermakna.

Now this is such a blessing ! Really made my day :)