"The Israelis have just attacked (again!!) the peace envoy to Palestine with air strike which caused about 20 deaths and others are reportedly injured as well. Among the volunteers are Malaysians (12 if i'm not mistaken). Imagine no weapons, defenceless against this attack. Their attack is not just towards Islam, but to the love, humanity and justice to the world. "

sedih. sangat sedih. langsung x happy dgn semua ini.
at least, the least we can do is to make doa for them.
insyaAllah ade pahala ganjaran utk kite di situ. please don't stop praying.
hmmm...hari ahad (yesterday) baru jer pegi talk "Al-Aqsa Dalam Bahaya". banyak benda yang boleh take note seriously. tengok2 hari ni, adoii. keluar plak berita pasal these volunteers were attacked by Israelis. memang berkaitan betul lah.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, selamatkanlah saudara Islamku yang diancam dan diserang tentera Israel. berikanlah perlindunganMu Ya Allah. Ameen ya Rabbal alamin.
uni life:
lately ni sangat penat sebenarnya.
dah 3 kali hantar draft literature review saye.
first draft supervisor bagi feedback suruh ubah sikit2 aje. so, that was really
cooperative enough for me to do the changes.
second draft suruh ubah lagi. and siap suruh tambah papers la plak..okay. saye ikut aje.
third draft laaaaagggiiiii banyak kena ubah and tambah lagi paper. sbb paper tu will be published tomorrow, 1st june. so kena review jgk. adohai supervisor saye nih!
saye ade 2 org supervisor. satu perempuan. satu lelaki. yang lelaki ni jenis buat donno sket. xkesah sgt janji keje siap. yg perempuan ni plak satu2 kena perfect. agaknya, mmg sesuai sgt la kot dapat supervisor jenis perfectionist ni utk saye yg sememangnya pemalas sedikit (eh ke byk?)
hurm...stress ke saye nie? x nak lah kata stress. tak baik.
ma abah saye ade anak 10 orang pon x pernah cakap mereka stress pon..huhu..
p/s: i find that coffee and limau can keep the stress away from me. : )