i'm Home!!
it's been 10 days. and i'm enjoying every single moment here.
of course. a lot more to come.
especially meeting with friends and reunion/gathering.
i do feel like a few days to come are kinda short and filled.
heading towards the end of 2009 and everything seems to be happening
at this short period of time and i wanna grab all these and those beautiful moments!
i'll be going to KL on 31st December 2009 and be back here on 5th January 2010.
see the gap there? 2009 and 2010? hahaha.
friends --- even if you're not here in kelantan. i'll go and get you there in KL! haha
and the food!! haha. heaven heaven!
weddings!! --- ramai betul kwn2 nk kawin. biase la tue. dh masuk era perkahwinan.
and don't forget to say, Alhamdulillah for all these. Alhamdulillah... =)
these are just random updates of what i've been going through for these past 10 days.
hoping for more happiness and a lot more special moments!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Crabbing ke Clubbing?
haha. ade ke patut nk pegi Clubbing. xbaik tau. mesti lah pegi crabbing.
crabbing ni ialah menangkap ketam. saye pn baru tahu istilah nie
sejak datang ke Adelaide nih. hehehehe.
kat sini aktiviti crabbing ni hanya boleh dilakukan pada bulan2 yg ade hujung
'____ber' sahaja. bermula september, oktober, november dan disember.
mcm tu yer tuan2 dan puan2.
crabbing ni ialah menangkap ketam. saye pn baru tahu istilah nie
sejak datang ke Adelaide nih. hehehehe.
kat sini aktiviti crabbing ni hanya boleh dilakukan pada bulan2 yg ade hujung
'____ber' sahaja. bermula september, oktober, november dan disember.
mcm tu yer tuan2 dan puan2.
disebabkan ade tetamu dari Malaysia yg dtg bercuti di Adelaide,
iaitu childhood fren ummu, kami bawak la kak erin pegi crabbing.
kesian kak erin kesejukan. sbb nya dari pkul 9.30 smpai la pkul 1.30 pagi
kami berada di salah satu jeti di Henley Beach. huhu. sejuk gile!
tapi xpe, keletihan dan kesejukan berbaloi apabila seekor demi seekor
ketam kami dapat. mula2 tu x kena sgt.
mungkin umpan yg kami guna x menyerlah sgt.
tp rase nye besar gedabak dah kepala ikan kami wat umpan tu. huhu
Anyway, yg hujung2 tu siap double ketam lagi. skali angkat ade 2 ekor! hoho.
ade la sikit hasil yg kami dapat dgn menjadi nelayan ketam pada waktu malam.
okies. layan gambar yer. credits to kak erin punye camera.
(dia keje ngn Canon, dapat canon eos 40D free2 jer guna. best wooo!)
iaitu childhood fren ummu, kami bawak la kak erin pegi crabbing.
kesian kak erin kesejukan. sbb nya dari pkul 9.30 smpai la pkul 1.30 pagi
kami berada di salah satu jeti di Henley Beach. huhu. sejuk gile!
tapi xpe, keletihan dan kesejukan berbaloi apabila seekor demi seekor
ketam kami dapat. mula2 tu x kena sgt.
mungkin umpan yg kami guna x menyerlah sgt.
tp rase nye besar gedabak dah kepala ikan kami wat umpan tu. huhu
Anyway, yg hujung2 tu siap double ketam lagi. skali angkat ade 2 ekor! hoho.
ade la sikit hasil yg kami dapat dgn menjadi nelayan ketam pada waktu malam.
okies. layan gambar yer. credits to kak erin punye camera.
(dia keje ngn Canon, dapat canon eos 40D free2 jer guna. best wooo!)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
i should have said
i should have said something lately or write something to this blog.
why? because it seems like i don't really have anything to do so far while waiting for the day to balik kampung. and the internet is now back to fast speed! yeehaa! i love that!
and there are a few interesting stories that i would really love to share out here.
so, here it goes. now i really am.
but but but. i think i always have a problem telling you guys some sort of stories that don't come out with some pictures to show. lalalala. i'm not so good in words. so, to make you people notice or getting addressed with my stories, that is why i always put up some pictures. haha. what am i talking here. but REALLY...i'm not a good writer. neither a good story teller. especially in writing! that is why i prefer more meeting, hanging out with friends when it comes to socializing, sharing some good old or new stories, experiences.
so, the point is, i'll get back to here later, with the stories i have right now, PLUS with some good pictures! da da da dum dum da da da da~~~
can't wait to get back home! 7 more days!
why? because it seems like i don't really have anything to do so far while waiting for the day to balik kampung. and the internet is now back to fast speed! yeehaa! i love that!
and there are a few interesting stories that i would really love to share out here.
so, here it goes. now i really am.
but but but. i think i always have a problem telling you guys some sort of stories that don't come out with some pictures to show. lalalala. i'm not so good in words. so, to make you people notice or getting addressed with my stories, that is why i always put up some pictures. haha. what am i talking here. but REALLY...i'm not a good writer. neither a good story teller. especially in writing! that is why i prefer more meeting, hanging out with friends when it comes to socializing, sharing some good old or new stories, experiences.
so, the point is, i'll get back to here later, with the stories i have right now, PLUS with some good pictures! da da da dum dum da da da da~~~
can't wait to get back home! 7 more days!
Sunday, December 06, 2009
ting tong. is anybody there?
Ting tong. is anybody there?
so, internet masih lambat-lambat kura-kura siput-siput nih. lusa kot baru laju.
hari tue dah cuba nk update something kt blog ni. tapi x keluar2 page utk create new post.
then i gave up on it.
tapi hari ni, it seems to be working fine. good!
tapi, sebenarnya xde ape2 nak tulis. wakaka. saje, ckup syarat nak update.
oh yer. ade 13 hari lagi nak balik Malaysia..weeeewwiiittt...x sbr nye!
sape2 yg nk jumpa saye di Malaysia nnti, bleh la book awal2 yer. al maklum la, busy
mengalahkan mak Datin. hahahaha. tipu giler. xde la. i will be always happy to meet you guys.
especially geng2 lame. skolah rendah - ila, aida, nanee, aida madiha, akma, anis syahirah, sarah, ecah, marinah, pijie bob, syukrie, matming tanjung, mat joe, ketek, iba andre2. and so many many more!
smip - aaaa..ramai telajok xsoh oyak lah. bibi, elly, aya (nk tuntut corelle kakak dio pesey etep tuh), wani, mek syu, wahida, mimi, asiah (bkpo la mung balik lmbt siah weiii), syamim (kato janji nk g hayaki tuh, capik belanjo) and bbaaannnyoookk lagi.
nak jumpa ina juge! i hope it won't be just at the airport this time around. hehe
and weddings!! ramai gk kawan satu batch yg nk kawin. and our seniors jugak. so, looking forward to seeing you guys, kaklynn, jasmin, paim and yg lain2 pon bleh tumpang umh saye utk pegi kenduri kawin kak nikshah+fiancee and syah+rahimah yer. tmbah2 umah syah, dekat giler kot ngn umh saye. beresss...roger2 yerr..
so, internet masih lambat-lambat kura-kura siput-siput nih. lusa kot baru laju.
hari tue dah cuba nk update something kt blog ni. tapi x keluar2 page utk create new post.
then i gave up on it.
tapi hari ni, it seems to be working fine. good!
tapi, sebenarnya xde ape2 nak tulis. wakaka. saje, ckup syarat nak update.
oh yer. ade 13 hari lagi nak balik Malaysia..weeeewwiiittt...x sbr nye!
sape2 yg nk jumpa saye di Malaysia nnti, bleh la book awal2 yer. al maklum la, busy
mengalahkan mak Datin. hahahaha. tipu giler. xde la. i will be always happy to meet you guys.
especially geng2 lame. skolah rendah - ila, aida, nanee, aida madiha, akma, anis syahirah, sarah, ecah, marinah, pijie bob, syukrie, matming tanjung, mat joe, ketek, iba andre2. and so many many more!
smip - aaaa..ramai telajok xsoh oyak lah. bibi, elly, aya (nk tuntut corelle kakak dio pesey etep tuh), wani, mek syu, wahida, mimi, asiah (bkpo la mung balik lmbt siah weiii), syamim (kato janji nk g hayaki tuh, capik belanjo) and bbaaannnyoookk lagi.
nak jumpa ina juge! i hope it won't be just at the airport this time around. hehe
and weddings!! ramai gk kawan satu batch yg nk kawin. and our seniors jugak. so, looking forward to seeing you guys, kaklynn, jasmin, paim and yg lain2 pon bleh tumpang umh saye utk pegi kenduri kawin kak nikshah+fiancee and syah+rahimah yer. tmbah2 umah syah, dekat giler kot ngn umh saye. beresss...roger2 yerr..
okay. sudah sudah membebel! mari makan! menambahkan berat badan! muahahaha..
Ma Abah

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