Sunday, April 18, 2010

of Graduation Day - the day i will always remember

15 April 2010.

Alhamdulillah. i've received my bachelor of science (biomedical science) majoring in microbiology and immunology and physiology. haha. banyak betul logy2 kat belakang tuh..

as expected, the ceremony was so simple. sbb ramai cakap convo kat Malaysia berderet2 ucapan tuh. pastu bkn sorang je wt ucapan. ramai plak tuh. betul ker? huhu. xtahu la. xpenah convo kat malaysia.

sekejap aje ceremony nyer. from 2.30 - 3.30pm aje. 1 jam jer..simple kan? hehehe.

alhamdulillah. rase penat lelah selama 3 tahun berbaloi. xde la penat lelah sgt sbenarnya, sbb saye rase study degree ni banyak break. so x de la rase stress sgt. hihi. cuma nya, akan jadi stress bile fikir risiko of not being able to graduate. but Alhamdulillah. i've made it through all those! this is only a beginning of everything as kakngoh said. huhu..

lepas dpt dgree tuh, ade la rase sebak sket, thinking of my ma and abah. and family. and people who always concern about me. and love me as much as i love them. appreciate all of them!

mcm biase. enjoy the pics. kt facebook pn dah upload. tp xpe. upload gk la kt sini..

kesayangan2 saye kat sini... : ))

Ma Abah, this is for you,

photo credits to Puloh



ardinihumaira said...

Demi Allah.. menitis air mata kakmi tengok kejayaan ami..

tumpang gembira dengan kejayaanmu dik.. terbayang saat-saat konvo without tersayang.. ah.. memang syahdu.. tapi, berbaloi segala usaha selama ini..

^_^ comel2 gambar ami.. tahniah tau! flying kick.. oittt silap daa.. flying kiss ya! muah kat degree tu hehe ;p

ami! makin comel!

Anonymous said...!

i still have another 4years to go..huhu

macam nak pengsan rasanya

ibu_Arifa said...

Tahniah..tahniah.. tahniah..
cantiknyer gambar mu Ami.. tp mcm tak puas tgk lah.. nak lagi gambar konvo kat sini.. cantik sgt+terharu tgk Ami konvo tp jauh dgn family.

ada lagi gamba konvo?

Lini Hasnan said...

tahniah kak ami~
comwl3 sume pics kak ami =)
jeles ngan org fotogedix!
eh, fotogenit..hihi..;p

SaifullahBakri said...

COngrats again kak ami! hehe...

comey2 gmbr la hok amk..:P haha

Suziey Ahmad said...


Tepi Sungai Batu said...

Tahniah dari Pak Man. Hati Pak Man tersentuh bila baca "Ma, abah this is for you".

naazneen (",) said...

tahniah! ^_^