Saturday, July 12, 2008

holiday yg messy...

literally speaking, since my final exam ended on the 4th of July, my life has been mixed up with different kind of things...almost everything that i could never expect to happen again..he3.. and me..would always try my best to cherish everything given by HIM..of course.. starting with a few friends came to visit adelaide [ us particularly..haha ], and we, as the, ibtisam, peteh n ummu, were always trying our best to give good so called 'service' to them.. the accommodation, the food and the transportation of course...haha..hok nie paling maklum lahh...kete kami nih xder lah kete baru...buruk pon ade laa..tapi..enjin POWER wooo!!! anyone here knows FORD LASER 1984?? haha..hok tue laaa...comey + macho la kete tuee...

okay...back to 'holiday yang messy'..cuti nie..keje yang kami buat ialah...

  1. pegi airport...amik orang..hantar org..[ ade smpai 3 kali sehari...nasib laa..]
  2. went to St.Kilda [ 2 kali lagi dalam mase sminggu..]
  3. Barossa Trip...[ sgt jauh dan driving yg agk mencabar kredibiliti anda ]
  4. visited the Morialta Park tgk waterfall... [ ini..mcm saje2 nk g main hujan ]
  5. bbq and bbq [ yess.... 2 kali bbq dalam ms sminggu...pakcik jual aym dah tau sgt dah..]
  6. gi petrol station...mklum la..kuat berjalan..minyak cpt abess....
  7. pegi harbour[2 new shirts for me..and a pair of shoes..lalala ]
  8. pegi henley beach, glenelg beach..keje makan angin ja..kembung perut weh

cuti nie..brekky kol 12tghari...lunch kol 5 ptg...dinner kol 12pm..haha..gemok2..dh la lame x jogging niee..nasib laa..bak kata a friend of mine, cuti ni sgt tak terurus..kalu ade anak..dah lame anak tue lari ke..kena culik ke...hahaha.. okay..enough with this one..i thought i just gave out randomly all the happenings up there..some other time maybe..

tq achik,iza, ann & aizat sudi dtg mlwt kami...hehe

p/s: yer2...nnti tukar la lagu tuee....sabar2...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

oh mak. gamaq aku ada. buruk plak tu. awat amie letak pic menjerit tu?? LOL!! sumpah lawak. horror gler muka. hahaha...

ridu amie ; )

ramizah said...

you are having fun, huh?

[ a L i y a ] said...

wah amie,bez ma tgk gmbr2 amie tuh,erm,ely tgk pun raso mace njoy ni kan amie yg merasa...aduh,beznya....nOk g jugOkkkkk

el_rippero said...

wahh..cantik nye syg..hahaha..