Our Khayra is 14 months old already! How time flies! Lama dah tak update blog ni so dah jadi sarang segala jenis serangga kot kat sini. Haha. Kalau update pon tepek gambar pastu tak tahu nak cerita apa. Haha. Banyak sebenarnya yang boleh diceritakan tapi bila dah asyik delay and tertangguh, so totally forgot about the stories that I want to share. Hihi.
So kita layan gambar je lah yer. Hihi.
Ni masa pegi tengok kouyou beramai ramai dengan malaysian students kat sini. Best bila pegi ramai-ramai :)
Ni plak kouyou kat Uesugi je ni, one of our favourite places in Yonezawa.
My little monster. Colorful hills at the back! So beautiful!
The famous soba in Yamagata :) Oishikatta!