Saturday, November 27, 2010

To my future you

You don't have to drive any BMW or Mercedez or Skyline to be gorgeous. Be an imam in prayers. That's how I define gorgeous. You don't have to have nice voice and hush me with lovely songs to woo me. Recite the Kalamullah, Al Quranul kareem. That's how i would melt. You don't have to be rich for me to love you. Please have a kind heart. That's more than enough for me and my parents too. Nobody's perfect. You are nobody. So you are more than perfect for me :)

future yours

home is where you are

these faces. these smiles. all these touches. just because they are so familiar to me, I'm home everybody ! Alhamdulillah, I've arrived home last week, on the November 21st, welcoming by all the people i love, perghhhhh penuh jugak lah airport tuh bila semua decide nak g amik saye a.k.a Mak Ude :)

but yeah, sebelum bertolak nak naik flight tuh banjir jugak lah airport Adelaide tuh. sabor jer lah. tak boleh tahan. senang aje air mata ni gugur. aicewah gugur tue ! even Ibtisam was not there because she was in Sydney, attending her sister's family coming to Australia.

Alright then, it's really been a while. I don't really know what to update. Home is beautiful as the way it is. the way it has always been. When I walked into my room, I could still feel the moment when I was in high school, the time that I spent in this room, studying and singing out loud with my sister, Fatien. but then she left for boarding school, MRSM. Masa zaman skolah dlu nak sangat pegi boarding school because everyone was asking for the same thing, but deep in my heart, sebenarnya taknak. why ? sebab x boleh tgk TV and malas gile buat laundry(my weakest skill. hahaha) ! nak dok umah best lagi ! and of course, Allah knows the best :) nasib baik x dapat pegi sekolah asrama. hehe

a few things coming up that I should attend. reunion mcm biasa. kenduri kahwin of course. engagement orang lain jugak. alright alright. excited ! :)

I may not know this place. I may not be familiar with this part. As long as it has you in it, I know I'm home :)

Thank you Allah for all the blessings. Oh Allah, forgive all our sins, give us all that is good, and keep us away from all that is bad. Ameeeeen


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tu Jaane Na

Salam Aidil-Adha !

fuh. jarang nak update blog time hari raye nih. x pernah buat lagi rasenye. Al-maklum lah, kat Adelaide ni, sekarang musim orang exam. musim orang ade final presentation la, so sambutan raye x meriah sangat. takde open house la plak ? eh, ade ke org buat open house raye haji ? hehe. kejap lagi nak gi beraye umah kak falah. jumpa hariz and caamil for the last time before i leave Adelaide. sob3. sedih nyeeeeeeeee T_T. saye sayang Hariz sangat2! oh yer, Adelaide raye hari ni, 16 Nov

Ya Allah ! lagi 4 hari nak balik ! nak balik Malaysia. hadoi. lemah semangat bile pikir x balik dah kat sini. bila agaknya nak datang sini balik yer ? Ibtisam cakap bile dah dapat duit pencen kite datang la sini balik. hahahadoi !

barang2 dah packing. tapi x habis lg sbenarnya. baju2 belum lagi masuk dalam kotak. segala mak nenek corelle dah masuk dah. hmmm ape lagi yer. ohhh sape2 yang nak belanje saye sebelum saye balik nih, dialu-alukan sangat. hahahahadoi perasan lagi di situ !

dan yg pasti, saye pasti pasti pasti akan rindu budak kecik tembam comey lote nih,
ooohhh Chihah, bile agaknya kite akan jumpa lagi ? sob3 T_T
(Husnun Nasihah, malam raya haji, 15 November 2010)

hmmmmmm. dok cakap pasal jumpa berpisah dan tak tahu bile jumpa lagi memang kite tak tahu semua tu kan? urusan Allah SWT.

we don't know. you don't know. berdoalah. mengharapkan yg terbaik :)

PS. Tu Jaane Na (you don't know)

Friday, November 12, 2010

What's the good ?

Alhamdulillah. My honours year has officially ended. from all the chaos to all the tears and laughters. joys and fun. we did embrace our experiences. I know all the patience and pain will be useful one day. heeeeeee. Alhamdulillah. Thank You Allah :)

8 more days before i go back to Malaysia. InsyaAllah :) Tiba2 rase sebak dengan setiap hari yang berlalu. balik nih, tak datang sini balik dah. the feeling is difference. excited but at the same time collide with rase sadness and berat hati. T_T plus pikir pasal all the memorable moments kat sini. sob3. adeihh emo terlebih !

Can you tell me, what's the good in good-bye ?

okeoke. nak cite pasal ape yer. oh yer. Ahlami tak siap and tak habis packing lg barang2 nih. barang2 nak shipping pon tak masukkan dalam kotak lagi. kotak dah ade. tapi x sempat nak mengemas lagi. sekarang pon Ibtisam dok kat dalam bilik Ahlami sebab bilik Ibtisam ade dua orang kawan dari Tasmania dok situ.

ermm ape lg yer. ape lg yer. udah2 la tuh. sila mengemas sekarang !


P/S. I don't care if the world is composed of billions of people, I still want you :P