Tuesday, March 31, 2009

camar yang pulang

oh hye everyone.

hari ni nak membebel lagi la. kalu stress2 kan, elok jugak kite teringt zaman2 kecik yang best.

mase kecik2 dlu, takde lah kecik sgt, suke menyanyi. suke dan suke. my mother sndiri yang ckp nie. sampai dalam kelas pon dok menyanyi je keje kalu cikgu takde, time skolah rendah. (eh, sekarang pon suke lagi menyanyi). suke di sini bermaksud suke-suke lah yer. for fun!

mase darjah 2, ustazah tengku hanariah suruh jadi solo nasyid. bile dah darjah 5 tue, cikgu Rosmawati (ingt lagi name cikgu nie) suruh masuk pertandingan bintang MSSK. singing competition lah nie. masuk la dgn rela and happy jgk sbb ade kena make-up2 kan. pakai comey2. perasan la. normal la utk kanak2 perempuan. hihi. family pon dtg time pertandingan tue. seronok sgt! igt lagi nyanyi lagu 'Getaran Cinta Di Jiwa'. penyanyi asal Liza Hanim. wakaka...terpaksa..nok wat guano? haha. takper lah. janji menang. hehe.

tapi bile dah darjah 6 tue, dah besar la kan. ma ckp, xleh dok masuk nyanyi2 nie. then cikgu Rosmawati suruh jugak masuk and ma cakap masuk nasyid aje. masuk lah nasyid pula. wakaka..nasyid pon nasyid lah janji boleh nyanyi! hahaha. same thing happened in sekolah menengah.

saje je ni xde keje nak cite pasal nyanyi2 ( keje byk sbenarnye). sebab mcm ingat kembali lagu2 melayu dulu2 yang best. lately nie dok dengar lagu Aishah aje. lagu feveret saye mase umur 3 tahun ialah 'Isabella'. hehe. klaka la. bangun2 tido, dgn xmandi, amik bunga ke, sikat rambut ke jadi microphone and nyanyi isabella.

praktis lagu isabella nga ma. xmandi lagi tue. nga baju tido etep

solo nasyid drjah 2. hihi. paka kebaya lagi tue. nynyi lagu nasyid. wakaka

okiess...gembira kembali. xde tensi-mensi dah. haa..macam ni la nak release tension. koya2 sket zmn kecik2 dlu. erkk...sekarang boleh menyanyi lagi ke eh? hehe.


p/s: kerinduan pd ma abah
p/s 2: budik...rindu ko mung laa..
p/s 3: happy 29th birthday kakjie! cepat2 beranok! msti baby cute supo mak ude.hihi

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



hari ni rase nak membebel lah sket!

hi there. it's 71st because the number actually represents the number of entries that i've already written so far in 'From the Inner Side'. i had no idea the moment i was about to name this blog. should i change its name? or to put it in a nice way, should i rename my blog to something that really relates what I've been writing? why do i have to put my concern too much on this? oh there you go, the inner side has just started talking and asking. that sounds so creepy, doesn't it?

this is what actually i always and like to do. compare and compare. especially between what is now and what was before. what is this actually, a scientific approach of getting things too complicated? oh so, ape2 jer lah kan.

well, uni talks, practical stuffs - been doing the Viriology Report and trying to put all the things together, at the right place and trying to make sense of it as well! pointless jgk kan buat report tp xpaham. ngeh3. first year and second year slalu jer mcm tue. oh well, as time goes by, we'll get better! stick to that!

today we killed another rat. it was quite a big rat this time. skali tgk, mcm ni kot rupe tikus mondok. unfortunately, we couldnt take pics in there, so, yeahh..ethics and that kinda stuffs. we even had to sign the consent form, not allowing us to talk about the experiment to others. xkesah lah kan. agak2, kalu cite kot melayu pakcik supervisor saye tue paham ke x eh? ngeh3..evil smile...and laugh...muahahahaha

last 2 weeks, i made chocolate muffin, while the juniors were still staying at our house. and a few days back, i baked some banana muffins plak dah. good attempt ahlami! and i think, i was the one who ate almost 1 third of the muffins. hehe..sedap etep. haha..syok sndiri lah plak. will be baking some more cakes, muffins and cuppies soon. and we did come out with this not so silly idea, ahem..sape2 nk buat tempahan kek ke, muffin ke, cupcakes ke, especially when it comes to birthday or any event, sedia menerima tempahan! hahahaa...ehhh..ini seriuss!! mklum la, duit x byk sgt since balik malaysia sokmo, xmacam org lain, so kite berbisnes lah sket..hehe.

-banana muffins-

ohhh....lupe nak citer, hari tue beli sarung kusyen baru kt kete kami. maklum lah, xpenah tukar kan, hehe. haaa..amik ko pink and black. nampak la sket kan ade pink, kete pompuan..hehe

okay, now it makes sense 'from the inner side to the outer part'. digest and digest.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

all the wishes

here comes the wishes.i have to say something even though i really need to grab my ass on the chair for this. sure i've been doing all my stuffs for tonight on the bed. trying to be very productive to attempt whatsover about practicals (both immunology and physiology). should we talk about that later? boring....hehe

so, now the wishes come. here it goes,

my cousins's Wedding:- Wan Arfah & Ridzuan

i wish both of you would have a very happy and blessed marriage everyday and always.
sorry la ami xdapat tgk live. tapi xper, technology is there to heal this sadness. wawawewa. i've finally got the wedding pictures of them! yeay! thanks cuzzie-kakchik!!

what a beautiful day. bile aku punye turn nie? hehe

my housemate's birthday:- Fatihah Mahmud (peteh/kakteh)!!

Happy 22nd Birthday Kakteh!
just like written in the card that i gave you, Semoga Cepat bertemu jodoh (ciri2 or kriteria lelaki idaman)...hahaa...you know what i meant! sowie la jgk ami kasi hadiah biase2 aje. sbnrnye nak beli apple mac dah tapi xder la plak kaler coklat sbb kakteh kan suke kaler coklat. hehe. nak beli PS3 plak, xper lah, kakteh mcm xminat aje. takper2, nti birthday ami, kakteh kasi la wii ker..Xbox ker..muehehe...sape2 pon nak kasi birthday present kat ami, amatlah berbesar hati menerima nya. hehe.

happy besday peteh (pic updated)

with love today (and always)

Friday, March 13, 2009

why do i love my home?

because it is the only place i was born (naturally) and raised.
because it is the place that my ma and abah live.
because it is the place that had taught me in almost every thing and matter.
because it is the place that for the very first time i understood the meaning of harmony.
because it is the place where we always gathered as a BIG family.
because it is the place that will always occupy my mind, even in crowd.
because it is the place where i knew the good and the bad.
because it is the place where i found love, first phase
because it is NOT JUST A PLACE...but a home...inspired...(tiada kaitan dgn homesick)

and because i love it laaa!! ape susahhh...dh love nk buat mcm mane...hehe


we(housemates) were having this conversation about why do women nowadays tend to choose younger men in marriage. Tapi, xdelah banyak sgt. Anyway, It is actually just a matter of human perception! And I think, that is soooooo not RELEVANT! huhu..As a matter of fact, there is no such rules saying that a woman should not get married with younger men. Jodoh itu telah Allah tetapkan.


i am so proud of this girl. hok paling best nyo, oghe klate! hehe. budak maahad plop tue. pecah rekod lagi, 19 A1, 1 A2. tapi xde la plak berita kt Bharian, kt utusan je rase. ke saye salah selidik? anyway, imagine 10 years from now, time tue rase2 ade x org dapat 33 A1? haiyoo..looks like the ministry of education might think about grade classification. have a go maybe. Congratulations to my cousin, Ahmad syakir abd aziz for his 11A's!! i think u just broke the record among our cousins(mum's side) rasenye. and yang penting, junior SMIP saye tue...perasan la plak.. hahahadoiii..!!


you get what you give. so give good. karma?

-sudah2 la tue ahlami-

have a great weekend okiess?


p/s: nok make jeruk salok kat penang!!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Salam Maulidur Rasul

o0hh..hari ni cuti, terasa mcm kt malaysia jgk sbb cuti maulidur rasul. tapi Adelaide sbnrnye cuti Adelaide Cup. tkper lah..dah saye xtau ape2 pasal Adelaide Cup, anggap aje lah hari ni cuti maulidur rasul jgk mcm kt malaysia..huhuhu..

hari ni pegi baby-sit hariz bersama peteh and ib. hariz mcm biasa. susah nk tido kan dia. tapi akhirnye berjaya jgk tdo kan dia. tp bkn hariz jer tdo. ngn peteh2 skali. kak ib plak dh pndai main piano skrg sbb nak dodoikan hariz tdo..hahaha

ohh..merapu nye rase cakap. huhu...ape2 jer lah kan. esok ade lab lagi mcm biasa. this time i have to deal with mice. comey jgk sbnrnye binatang tue. tp terpaksa kena bunuh byk plak tue...nnti tetiba wonderpets dtg selamatkan mereka camne eh? haha..stuuuuuppiiiddo laaaa!!

sharing is caring :

Firman Allah dalam surah
al-Ahzab ayat 21
yang bermaksud:

“Sesungguhnya pada diri Rasulullah itu sebaik-baik teladan bagi kamu (untuk diikuti) iaitu bagi orang yang mengharapkan (keredaan) Allah dan (kemuliaan hidup) di akhirat dan orang yang banyak mengingati Allah.”

enough said.

selamat menyambut maulidur rasul semua!

amieeeeeeeeeeee (geram punyer pasal)

p/s: journal xbace lg nie....huk3

Saturday, March 07, 2009

been tagged by kak wanee

i've been tagged by kak wanee. and sorry for taking such a long time to respond. huhu. keretapi lmbt sket.

1. Copy badge "2008 cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkn di blog anda


2. Link / n citer kan kembali siapa yang memberi award ini kpd anda..

kak wanee, my cousin who just got married in november last year. she's the funniest among us (especially when she's with her teammate, her sister, kak jiji), knew her since i was born kot? hehe...

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta / hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di tag)

- i love singing (hobby)
- i hate lalat!! (fact)
- suke tido (hobby)
- suke reptiles (fact)
- pemalas (fact)
- love reading novels (hobby)
- friendly kot? haha (fact)
- i'd rather choose balik kampung than travelling ngn sape2 (fact)
- you fill this one for me...hehe

4. pilih 5 penerima award seterusnya n nyatakan di blog anda

- can i just simple choose not to tag anyone? hehe

5. jgn lupe melawat blog kawan anda yg telah di tag n menyatakan dia telah telah di tag

- ermm...ermm...hehe....


p/s:good luck test!

Friday, March 06, 2009

let's count


Alhamdulillah...the first week of this semester has just passed. gone baby gone. but kerja/assignments/homeworks tengah dok melambai-lambai and panggil...eeeeee...geli la plak rase kalu assignments tu betul2 hidup and can even wave and wait for us! eeeee...eeeee....

oh..i hate this..i hate this! honestly, i miss home. i miss my mum. i miss my abah. i miss my adek. i miss nasi belauk and chek mek kubang pasu. i miss abah's green green car. i miss aniq. i miss anin. i miss my nieces and nephews. i miss my bestmate!! i miss everyone!!

here and there are just a way too different for me. here is just me. there, is always almost everyone. i wanna be there! oh no. syndrome apekah ini doc?

takper2, mari kite berhibur dgn Wonderpets!! hehehe..ni, my niece, anin punye pasal la ajar mak ude tgk n nynyi lagu wonderpets. utk pengetahuan anda smua, saye dah housemates saye, ib and peteh sekarang sedang sgt suke and hangat nyanyi lagu wonderpets nie la..seronok lg nynyi yg versi malay sbab klaka!hahaha..telefon..telefon berbunyi..telefon...kami datang..hahaa..comell laahh..tgh masak2 nynyi wonderpets! ape yang penting? kerjasama!ape yg penting? kerjasama!


p/s: no need to worry about me. i'm fine. hehehe

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

now i'm here

now I'm here. back to Adelaide. back to business. back on track. back on back. back-pain (sakit belakang naik kapal terbang lame sgt). hahaha. betul, next time taknak dah beli tiket flight transit2 niee...penat seyhh..huhu..mcm orang2 tua plak.

oh yes, thanks to my 3rd sis, kakcikkaknor, and my youngest sis, Fatien sebab hntar saye kt klia sabtu tuee..and jugak to my best friend, ina..thanks for being there. you kinda made it easier for me to stay strong. that's why i didnt shed any tears. even i finally did when i got into the plane..hehe..and to my bestmate that managed to reach KLIA in a very fast way. mujur xterbey keto kelisa tue...wakaka..

anyway, i'm in third year now! and supposed to be my Final Year. see? how fast things can be that sometimes you dont realize it. i will have 3 lab sessions in a week. physiology(1) and immunology(2), sometimes it'll be just 2 lab sessions. depends. hmmm...and i've just got my new student card, and i think i like it! aha aha...i like it..aha aha i like it..hahaha..perasan weh!

Adelaide dah tak panas sgt. it's raining now. and i like when it's windy. best jer rase! hehe..

ma! i love you!! same kan muke kami? hehe

kaknor, ijah, adek and kakak jihah

thanks! thanks! thanks!

okehh...time to go. berdebar la plak rase nk jumpa David Saint (my supervisor for physiology final year project) jap lg...
