Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Balik Kampung and Selamat Hari Raya



ALHAMDULILLAH...syukur ke hadrat Ilahi..dgn limpah kurniaNYA..
hehe..mcm nk wt ucapan la plak..kih3..
ermm...syukur tahun ni, insyaAllah dpt beraya bersama family.
walaupun bkn kesemua 10 adik bradik dpt berkumpul.
xmengapa, rahmat Allah tidak pernah putus. InsyaAllah.kite jmpa lagi bln 12 nie..
ape?? balik lg?? biarr laa...ikut suke laaa...haha..kejam2...

doakan keselamatan perjalanan saye pegi dan balik..

23 Sept 2008:
Adelaide-Darwin-Singapore [arrive 9.oopm]

then..tido umah my no.1 sister, Kakak...hehee..nasib baik my family dok berterabur..
smbung journey,

24 Sept 2008:
Singapore-KL-KB [ arrive at 8:15pm]

insyaAllah..semoga kepulangan daku ini dikira sebagai ibadah...

anyway, since my internet kt umah tue lembap sket..[klu ade broadband Kak Da senang laa..kih3]
i would like to make an early wish to all my muslim readers..
my brothers and my sisters..


let us be grateful for this victory. may Allah bless us always.
and Allah knows the best for us.

Sorry for Everything...

and ni kad raya utk kamu semua...hi3
credits to puloh...mekaceh

insyaAllah..nnti jmpa lagii!!

Ahlami Wan Muhammad

Friday, September 19, 2008

Lailatul Qadar


Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan (Al-Quran) ini pada Malam Lailatul-Qadar,
Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui apa dia kebesaran Malam Lailatul-Qadar itu?
Malam Lailatul-Qadar lebih baik daripada seribu bulan.
Pada Malam itu, turun malaikat dan Jibril dengan izin Tuhan mereka,
kerana membawa segala perkara (yang ditakdirkan berlakunya pada tahun yang berikut); Sejahteralah Malam (yang berkat) itu hingga terbit fajar.
[ al-Qadr:1-5 ]

yes. we know that lailatul Qadr is a way better than 1000months..
counting, 1000/12 = approximately 84 years...
can i promise myself that i will breathe up until that phase of age?
can i promise myself that all my life filled with proper ibadah?
the answer is no...so. let's ACT!!

imam Ghazali pernah berkata bahawa,
perkara yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah MATI.
kenapa? kerana MATI itu pasti...itulah yang sebenar-benarnya yg paling dekat
perkara yang paling jauh dengan kita ialah MASA YANG TELAH BERLALU.
kenapa? kerana MASA YANG TERLAH BERLALU tidak dapat kita ambil kembali
walau dgn cara apa skalipun...
itulah yg sebenar-benarnya jauh


اللّهُمَّ لا سَهْلا إِلا مَا جَعَلْتَهُ سَهْلا وَأَنْتَ

تَجْعَلُ الْحَزْنَ إِذَا شِيئْتَ سَهْلا

“Ya Allah! Tidak ada kemudahan kecuali apa yang Engkau jadikannya mudah.

Dan Engkau dapat jadikan susah itu mudah, apabila Engkau menghendakinya”


p/s: expect the unexpected...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

the blower's daughter


this is just a piece of memory that i created last year...
the song was originally composed by Damien Rice,
an Irish singer [kak Wanee will know this]

anyway...i lyke the way MATT CORBY brought this song..
forget the look. he's not even a very typical tall-dark-handsome guy.
alternatively, he's short-white-cute teenager.
forget the messy hairstyle. [mklum la..budak je lg nie]
i just love the voice of this young man.
and yes. he is young. young enough to have this beautiful talent.
he was just 16 when he sang this song last year..

look at his EYES...oh Matt...i can't take my eyes off of you

spring break is on its way...yuhuuu!!
Alhamdulillah...we will be celebrating raya during our mid-term break..
lucky enough to say this...
the fact that some people get a chance to celebrate raya in Malaysia
does bother me merely..hehe..my advice, have fun guys!!
tolong makan pulut bakar, Big Apple Donut, KFC cheezy wedges,
and noodle station' s teh tarik hazelnut for me!! kih3... fair enough?


p/s: dah pos kad raye utk org2 tersayang smuaa...kih3..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

promote blog org [hehe..ade maksud lain]


ade cite best....best sgt..wakaka..
sila la klik link2 di bwh ini yer tuan2 dan puan2 smua..
kemudian, kalu nak gelak secukup rase pon boleh..
boleh juga tambah kejelesan sebanyak 2 sudu..
akhir skali, boleh kerat or gunting letak dalam frame...
insyaAllah...mmg selamat utk ditatap dan dijamu di hari raya nnti..

3. tiga

go Ahlami go! sikit lagi nk siap report psycho...
diriku pon dh jadi psycho dah kot...bknnye buleh tak tdo smalaman...
xmcm org tue....hehee...

rindu budak niee...

huhu..does she look like me?

budik surianto(bkn nama sbnr)!! i miss you...huk3...
jeles la mung bleh rayo nga ma abah...



p/s: pegi blog KakJa, dgr 'dari jauh kupohon maaf'... g blog kak dina, dgr 'suasana di hari raya'...dh start psg lagu raye eh? huhu..

Monday, September 08, 2008

i messed up 51% of my teenage life

influenced enough to try this out?

[ ] got sent to the guidance office.
[ ] gotten a phone taken away in class
[ ] gotten suspended
[x] gotten caught chewing gum
[ ] gotten caught cheating on a test
[x] arrived late to class more than 5 times
[x] didn't do homework over 5 times
[ ]turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ] missed school just because you felt like it
[x] laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
[ ] got your mom,dad,etc to get you out of school
[x] text people during class
[x] passed notes (ohh..this is just a piece-of-cake)
[x] threw stuff across the room
[x] laughed at the teacher
[ ] been in a fight at school, fist, verbal [LOL]
[x]took pictures during class hours
[x]called someone during class hours
[x]listened to ipod,cd,etc during school hours
[ ]threw something at the teacher
[ ]went outside the classroom without permission
[x]broke the dress code ( i think i did once )
[ ]failed a class
[x]ate food during class (isnt this normal? )
[ ]gotten a call/letter from school
[ ]couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly
[x] didn't take your stuff to school
[ ]stuck up finger when the teacher was not looking
[ ]cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear you
[x]faked your parents signature (with my abah's permission..of course..he3)
[x]slept in class (not really my favourite...but sometimes, i happened to..hi3)
[ ]cursed at teachers
[x]copied homework
[ ]got in trouble with the principal

over all total: 17
*Multiply by 3 = 51%

haihh.....51% sounds like uhmm...a bad girl? hahaa...alritey....
i was naughty...or still..am i? kih3

advice - if u really wanna try this out, do it now..or else, u are gonna end up with a lot more 'x' in the brackets... believe me, the more u live, the more mistakes u will do...he3..

really..it's nothing here..just blurring this mind out...ngeee...

mak ude rindu azizah humaira..hu3..
[abaikan background song..nasib la..kt kedai karpet india tu gak..]


Friday, September 05, 2008

haha...awal sgt nie!!

uishhh....awal sangat niee...dh la gmbar raye last year..hua3
masuk paper x? masuk dop?
haihhh....mano lah ambo tauu...sni mano ado utusan..

loh la wehhh.....hehe


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mental-sick-person vs OG


hye there...would like to share a few thoughts here..
i remember, when i happened to meet OG = Orang Gila, back in my hometown..
especially, in the city of Kota Bharu, i would be so frightened to death like he would eat me!!
and i would always always always tried my best to avoid meeting these kinda people.
and if i happened to, i would always always always hid at my abah's back.or my ma's or my sister's....hurmm..i called them as Orang Gila..we all did..
and one fine day, a conversation with my nephew...we were going out to somewhere in the city...in my abah's car..

rindu Aniq Hafiy!!!

Mak Uda : aniq dok diam2 laahhh....jange bising!!
Aniq : aniq tok bising pon!!
Mak Uda : haa...tgk tuhh...kaki tuee..jange tende2(tendang2) lahh!!..tue..ado ORANG GILA tuee...mak uda suruh atuk bereti kei...tinggal aniq ko ORANG GILA tuee..
Aniq : Mak Ude, ayah ckp xbaik ckp GILA..kena cakap MENTAL-SICK PERSON...
Mak Uda : skema la....(keeping this to myself)

and today...i had my Psychology lecture as usual..and we talked about damage to FRONTAL LOBE (ni part yg kt dpn2 skali...cuba pgg dahi korang..ha..kt situ la frontal lobe) of the brain..
and yes, these injuries or damages to this part of the brain will actually lead to loss of social development, communication, living skills and mcm2 lg or so-called 'the normal behaviour we all should have'...

more information, feel free to visit this, Frontal Lobe Funtion

hurm...aniq was right...they are not GILA...they are just MENTAL-SICK PERSON...
[tp..mmg Mak Uda sgt penakut ngn mental-sick person..tu hakikat...hihi]


p/s:entry ni ditujukan khas jgk utk cik ibtisam ismail yg xdpt dtg lecture td sbb demam...ish2..kasihann...sbr ye laling...hehe